Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

Any pipe handy to flake him with ?

Best avoiding the cunt til he dries out

Wait till heā€™s passed out drunk and shit in his bed. Heā€™s obviously so drunk heā€™ll think he did it himself


jaysus - get out of there asap

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Get the wheel brace out of the car job

I think youā€™re leaving out a bit between having a bottle and him jumping you. Stay safe.

Have you somewhere else you can stay for a few days mate ? Donā€™t be afraid to get the cops involved if this guy is a nutjob.


Tough break, house sharing is a pain, stay safe

Get out of there asap, if youā€™ve a car drive home to limerick if you can. whatā€™s his story, or how much do you know of it. Just a bad drunk or a psycho?

Get out of there no one needs that shit.

Tell the landlord first thing. Tell him the Gardai will be involved. A mans home is his sanctuary

Hope all OK @Copper_pipe.

Jaysus. Just saw this. No messing there @Copper_pipe. I lived with a few weirdos before and it didnt make for a @Funtime. Get a lock on the bedroom door and if itā€™s not alright in the morning get out of there. Remember Carkies are fucking nuts.


Crikey. :eyes:
Sign in once youā€™re awake @Copper_pipe

I suppose itā€™s only right and provide an update and dispel any rumours that I have passed on.

Havenā€™t spoke with him since Friday night. He only surfaced from his room at around 7pm yesterday. Effects of the drink I suppose.

Had a chat with the other 2 housemates in the meantime and they both agree that what he did was completely out of order and neither of them know what I could have done to trigger him. One of the housemates tried to have a word with him yesterday, and his tune hasnā€™t changed. Still making threats, will go for me if he sees me etcā€¦ (I could hear the conversation from my room)

Iā€™d take him if he made a dart for me but I wonā€™t be the one to start it.

If I was to make a report to the Guards, would that effect any Garda Vetting Application for him in the future? Reason I ask his heā€™ll be applying in the new year and If he knows I can fuck up his future job prospects because of this he might change his tune.

My levels of Zen are being tested but Iā€™m about as cool as I can be about the whole thing.

I have a sneaky suspicion heā€™s after realising what heā€™s after doing but is too stubborn to double back on it and try make peace.

To be continuedā€¦


Youā€™re very blasĆ© mate you canā€™t be living with a cunt who acts like that. Were ye rowing before, or what happened to start it. If heā€™s convicted of something like assault that would affect him Iā€™d imagine but thatā€™s a long way away yet.

Spoken like a true Drom man.

Youā€™ve two options here, I think, mate:

  1. talk to your landlord
  2. the guards

This lad might pull his thumb out of his hole and apologise but if drink is a factor, he could spark up like that at any time again. Either get him out of the house, or get out yourself

Thereā€™s a bed for you here in Douglas for a night if you need it Copper. Like what the lads said, get out of that house.


A mighty sound gesture :+1::+1:

Itā€™s not you messing up his Garda clearance, itā€™s on him. Best wishes, tough station

Kill or be killed.