Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

they pay fuck all

Paschal Donohoe says increase in apartment output justifies tax breaks for REIT funds (

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A financial structure to invest in income producing property…they own tens of thousands of apartments in Dublin …publically quoted investments…must pay out most of profits annually to shareholders

Real estate investment trusts


Real Estate Investment Trusts

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They don’t but the shareholders do I assume when the profit is distributed annually…either way this new rule likely not to bring down the rents on their apartments

but the shareholders will have much more latitude for tax minmalisation compared to single landlords

Getting 14k tax free would be a big incentive for private investors to become landlords again. Where they’ll no doubt out compete first time buyers. You can’t win really.

I don’t know what that means…

people who invest in REITs have more opportunities to minimise their tax liability on the profits compared to single property landlords

Same as anyone who buys a share though

If they combined the 14k tax free with benefits to taking on HAAP renters you’d begin to solve a number of issues in a foul swoop

@briantinnion should be running the country

Is the first recorded instance of a universally positive political policy? (On TFK)
Presumably there’ll be negativity as it’s FFG ‘looking out for their pals’ but it seems to make sense on a few levels.
What would be the loss to the exchequer in tax take?

“What would the loss to the exchequer be”
About 2 printers for the Dail.

Fuck vulture funds flatty. Through no fault of my own my mortgage is with a vulture fund and they are cunts. I’d have no time for the Polish lads involved here but it makes no sense to suggest the tiny amount of cases like this have any significant effect on mortgage interest rates or insurance premiums.

They add up.

To fuck all in the greater scheme of things

Hypocrite. You should really burn the house to the ground.

And move to Mayo then

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I would only for the language barrier.


No matter. They’ll only be talking to Mrs Binky anyhow

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Me bollix. They’re dry-riding any gaa type in sight now higgins/cafferkey are involved

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