Landlords/Houses/tennants/cunts thread

That’s complete nonsense anyway there’s no need for a solicitor or notary.

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I love the way they say this like they’re packing up the house and taking it with them :smiley:

That’s gas, you have exploited the system, lied in court, but I’ll give you till mid February to get out :smiley:


Great to see the landlord class get a hiding here.

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You would have to feel sorry for Emerly59 Limited all the same. Just a small aul vulture fund trying to keep the head above water.


@balbec 1- 0 Emerly59

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We walked all over those cunts

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What are the pros and cons of this?

Mr Troy will be delighted

They’d be better off doing something like they do with the rent a room where if your income is €14,000.01 you’re taxed on the lot.

If they just give the first €14,000 tax free it’s straight to the landlords’ pockets but if they did something like the rent a room landlords would be incentivised to keep rent below the limit.

Either way it won’t do much for supply. Seems more about keeping landlords happy.


It’s to slow down one property landlords selling up and reducing the rental pool even more.

Well plenty landlords would be happy to drop rents if you could get 14k net rather than 24k taxed…your suggestion above is a good and obvious one to cap rents…the penalty would need to be huge for people abusing it

Probably wouldn’t impact REITs anyway would it as I doubt they are paying same level of tax as an independent landlord

Jeez that’d be a great idea I’d say so if they did that. Would bring rents down in a load of cases so good for renters and obviously good then for small landlords especially but all of them would gain something.

REITs are exempt from tax.

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That’s a good idea.

Do you think this is the plan and if so what’s the argument against it?

Trouble is, they’ll just make it more punitive for the next people trying to rent, factor in the cost of this, and the spreadsheets will adjust accordingly. Folk can’t complain about higher mortgage rates or higher insurance premiums in Ireland when they find this entertaining.
Those lads should have been fucked out of there three months after they stopped paying rent. (We’d have had about two weeks back in the day)
Decent chance they’ll trash the place too.
May also queer the pitch for honest Polish folk (the vast vast majority) in the future too.

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What’s an REIT?