Laochra Gael - Back, and to the left hand on top

A lot of lads are being forced to come out from behind their printers tonight, and they’re realising that the internet is serious, serious business.


The one used to tweet kim paulage

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Is it his Canice one?

Kaul Pimmage surely?

It was called pmosullivan1

This isn’t as obvious as it looks

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Sounds like Sidney is doxxing himself again to point the blame at Malarkey. Classic Sidney.

There certainly was. Not even an identifier, unlike elsewhere on here where this person is named.

You wouldn’t only know who said person is with that the identifier elsewhere.

It was a ballhop on a guy who was arrogantly puffing his chest out on here and abusing others.

Are people annoyed about him getting a slagging on here? After he he described other posters as autistic? After he talked about others having lobotomies? After he said a poster was widely hated around Trinity college? After saying that a poster had failed after sending pieces around?

This all the while the same poster is saying a journalist had no moral compass and was a paedo shielder.

What a poor fella. Cry me a river.

All this on a Tuesday night when no one is drinking. Who’d have thought.

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I think that’s a dangerous assumption in these times

There has been far worse said round these parts

Are you going to dox everyone who’s been a misogynist, or said an edgy racist post or have been racist against travellers?

Other countries that don’t have access to TFK have seen a meteoric rise in domestic abuse cases.


Going by his behaviour on here, not surprised.

They were satirical posts mate. Don’t take them so seriously.

Where was the doxxing?

You’ll have to point that out to me. I suggest looking around here as the name is no secret.

Did you post a picture? Yes or no will do

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Classic computer scientist. “Give me an answer in binary, please”.

It makes things easier

Lad the limerick posters passed a heap of info around about me in their little pm group. There’s some very sneaky people on here. An awful lot of cowards too. Cowboys as well. Have a great sleep.

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Why don’t you reread the post there?