Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

I was impressed by brennan there, he was genuinely pissed off that he was being held back from improving them, most in his position would be shrugging their shoulders as long as the gravy train was running

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I’ve been saying it for months here. Eddie was gonzo this year after all the shit he’s had to put up with. Laois will never do fuck all because the CB think small time, all the time.

I’m not sure there was ever much of a gravy train the way he was talking :laughing:

No, his hopes of the use of a helicopter from your man in ballacolla up in smoke

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Eddie sounds like he wants the Wexford job is all I can take from that




Just goes to show you can’t trust any journalists the cunts

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Oh look says Troy, I’ll go for Woolie to increase my own Brand…

Woolie is innocent

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Not a bit surprised Parkinson did something like this.its obvious from listening to him that he does not like hurling,even if it means see Laois play well…he is a disgrace the way he stitched up Eddie…just when laois hurling was making a recovery he does something like this.he is a liow life

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I’d say Babs Keating is sniggering away to himself tonight.

Oh Woolly! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Laois GAA will tear itself apart

Big fuck up with that interview, but I think generally Parkinson’s podcast is very good and Parkinson is very good in his role


What happened? Did Wolly record Eddie Brennan giving out about the Laois county board thinking the mic wasn’t on? Nearly as bad as Benzema recording Valbuena unbeknownst to him that time!


The sound engineering guild will be up in arms about this.

Woolie has announced a press conference in the four seasons tomorrow morning.

Urban buzz of Athlone :ok_hand:

Location - Four Seasons B&B


The real JT who’s this loser

He gave our chairman great praise😄

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I’d give Woolie the benefit of the doubt here.