Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

I doubt it. Its far too personal in naming names. This is an absolute fuck up I’d say. Funny tape about a lack of professionalism released by a lad being very unprofessional.

God @Rocko and @Bandage are complete cunts aren’t they?

Edit. Apologies @Rocko, I left the keypad running after my post. Complete accident.


Probably rushing to get the two podcasts out. Could happen to anyone.

Didn’t @rocko do something similar to @bandage on the now defunct TFK podcast. I believe Glenn Loovens was the source of @Bandage’s bemusement

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In a situation where someone contributes significantly to a whopper error and subsequently benefits tangibly from it, it becomes highly suspicious right away.



If this brings about a bloodletting in Laois Hurling then it’ll be a good thing. Cheddar had the same problems, so did Sugrue. Talk to any manager and they’ll tell you the same. Sadly there’s no big money man in Laois (and unlikely to be found in Ballacolla anytime soon now).I don’t blame the lads in the CB for trying to keep purse strings tight, they’re amateurs keeping a show afloat and they’re not the worst either. I’d love to see who’d step up if they walked away in the morning. Oh to have a big money man benefactor all the same.

It was a bit disappointing of Eddie to slag off their jobs as ‘Salesmen’ as if that makes them idiots.

Donal Og said as much about the money on Sunday night. Suggested that the GAA subsidise Laois’ development.

When men like Cheddar and Critchley were laughed out the room a few years ago by the lads in Croke Park, its safe to say that won’t be happening. The GAA wont help you, you need to help yourself. Cheddar tried to do it all on his own, but it was madness. You need the money nowadays, or you’ll go nowhere.

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Wooly shrewdly suggesting to hit up Cathal Jackson for cash after Coppers has been closed for 8 months

Jackson’s been hit up a few times now. Still, it’s a pity he chooses to put it elsewhere all the same.

Judging by the sound quality of some of the podcasts it’s fairly obviously that they are never quality checked before sending them out. This sound engineer has been phoning it in for a while now, might be best for everyone in the long run


Agree totally. And it kinda needs to be from the bottom up to get coaching structures in place. But you need resources and full time coaches and can’t just rely on volunteerism.

In the absence of benefactors, you need to be chipping away here and there. Not only a main sponsor but other corporate sponsors giving €5k here or €10k there. You also need to sicken Breda, Nuala and The Selfish Giant by hoovering up every grant possible - central government, local authority etc.

I think the Leinster Council are better these days at giving matching funds to employ coaches, e.g. if a County Board says we have €30k then they’ll give another €30k. That might employ 2 coaches but it can be transient enough, as that pay isn’t great.

Something Wexford are doing is assigning full time coaches to specific clubs but on the basis that the clubs make a contribution to the cost. People might think that’s not right and clubs are already under financial pressure, but I think they’ve found that when clubs have paid for something they want to get value. So they really embrace the assigned coach, (s)he does a shitload in the club, coaches the coaches there and drives standards up. It’s not necessarily like the old days where a couple of teachers and/or the priest would introduce the primary school classes to hurling; having a county board employed coach in the community and in the club keeps things motoring along.

Has Laois GAA developed a link with, say, IT Carlow? They could actually get ambitious young field / athletic / S&C coaches (maybe the next Kev) to do a year with the county board as part of their degrees. You’d essentially be getting expertise for close to free.


I doubt there’s any sound engineer involved. are effectively bust so couldn’t afford one and as far as I know many radio broadcasters do their own editing anyway.

Woolie has messed up here big time.

Limerick’s paymaster scuppered our chances in 2019 with that expensive commerative framed photo. You are better off without them

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I bet it was that little Nordie that fucked up.

I think this has all been cut back now? It was expensive enough at the time, so you’d typically see two or three clubs joining together to get a coach. Better value that getting some outside lad into train your intermediate team all the same…

This could well be true. Any sound engineer I know would be ashamed of the sound quality there.

Sure he’d have to listen to it to edit it.

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