Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

It was JP and big Joe. End of.

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#IBelieveHim it’s the exact same with the Dubs in football. I keep telling people but they don’t seem to believe it.

The current narrative suits just fine

Ah sure Dalo went off doing radio work one day after the minors were beaten, twas criminal altogether.
There’s a queue of lads from that set-up that are just openly critical of him, loads of quotes out there…loads

The Limerick revolution started the day that mercenary was shown the door.

The head nodding cunt should maybe offer to help out with his own lot, God knows they need it, but going to a county that’s broke has never been on his radar.


The banjo sounded …


Dalo just sets ye off something awful. It’s understandable with what ye went through.

I like Dalo.

I’ve a lot of time for Dalo

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A genial oul chap. He brings up deeply repressed memories for some lads though

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Dalo is sound.

@myboyblue how is the O’Moore Park sod and grass length? Go in there and film yourself pulling on a few sliotars and chasing after them.

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He’s an absolutely lovely fella. I had dealings with him. A gent.

Doesn’t change the fact he was absolutely shocking in his role and was replaced in his position, whatever way he wants to spin it. Why would there be any quotes on this in the media?? The only person who talks about Dalos 18 months in the Academy in the media is… wait for it… Anthony Daly.

Rat will have it immaculate, the man is a grass whisperer

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By what metric, or how do you quantify that, seeing as you can’t provide any negative quotes?

Aten bread is soon forgotten

Did Dalo not have a part to play in Limericks journey to the 2016 Minor All-Ireland Final? Seems like an alright sort who’s mad for hurling.


No, you’re basing your assertion that Dalo was well thought of in the Limerick Academy on the lack of public criticism of him? Then asking me to provide examples to counter the lack of public criticism?!

Good one mate.

If he was so absolutely shocking it should be fairly straightforward to outline his failings, especially since you had dealings with him in the role yourself? :man_shrugging:t2:

Can you not keep this to the canteen in Henry st tomorrow with @Raylan?

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