Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Cheddar has mugged you right off

He’s mugged Eddie off. Rumor has it he’s holding onto the backroom team. That would be some coup.

Is it a coup or coup though

Lets see the men involved

Cheddar - Town
Wooly - Town
Peter O’Neill - Town
Tommy Fitz - Town

Just sayin…

And poor auld Eddie above laying out cones for a club team

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Cheddar is an alright sort and a great man to take it on again. He made a decent fist of it before with less talent at his disposal.

He’s absolutely mad to go near it, but thats Cheddar for you. There’ll be one less lad drawing a wage or any expense whatsoever for that matter. This will be his third time in the hotseat. If he could pull in the half dozen who aren’t there, it will be a massive boost.

Suffice to say, if he is taking it, and I’ll wait til its fully confirmed, then Cha Dwyer is in for a punishing Christmas.

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Would he get Camross lads interested

More chance than anyone. He did last time but there’s been a bit of bloodshed since then. Saying that, there’s only one or two you’d take at this stage I reckon.

In these disturbing times, it gladdened my heart to read the uplifting news that Cheddar has re-taken over at Laois.
Can we make Cheddar a friend of the forum or is he one anyway?

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@fitzy be jaysus. Welcome back.


What was the reason again they opted out this season after such a good year last year?

Hope you’re well Fagan, exciting times, I’m really looking forward to next weekend. Will you be able to go to it?

Not a chance

That’s shite. Anyhoo, It’ll be a cracking game. I’m absolutely stunned with Waterford this year, not just the results, but the manner in which they’ve done it. You’ve learned from the mistakes of yesteryears and just going for it. Always great hurlers there, but now with a coach who knows what the fuck he’s doing.



Has Zane Keenan ever really played for Laois and what age would he be now?

Yes and mid 30s.


Saw him up close in a couple of Club Challenge games once upon a time and he was absolutely savage.