Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

Cheadar probably bought 50% of those himself.

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I’m expecting a Leinster final this year

Cathal Jackson finally fronts up :muscle:t2:

He’s too busy building an indoor hurling arena in Ballinakill

Ruh oh

Have ye a good chance today boss?

Are the laois footballers at anything this year?

Does it matter? Play the league, go up, stay there, go down, play championship, run into Dublin, year done.

Why the fuck would anyone bother.


Would you answer the question?

Sorry there, would one of you answer the question?

Don’t tell the cunt nothing


Woolie was saying Cheddar was the messiah. Doesnt look likely so far.

We could nail him up on a cross, then he would be. Would you like that?

He’ll have to take them out to the bog to inspire them about what it means to be from Laois.


Laois footballers bate the bollocks off some division 4 side yesterday. Not sure a D4 outfit is good prep for a D2 side Like Clare away in Ennis but I presume it was all they could get at short notice

Did they now? A busy weekend with games both days

I heard the opposition brought 40 men up and ran of of players by the end of it

The Italian Scallion :rofl::rofl:

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A few dingers in there tbf. Baler is some bai.