Laois GAA- bunch of hicks turning on eachother

I could have saved ye a lot of time and money @myboyblue

Had you another Kerry fella for us?

O’Sé is waiting on a start. Take your pick of which one.

Your mate Poacher will be free shortly I’d imagine

We had Darragh tied up until Shaggy opened his mouth one day at an interview

Dec O Sullivan next up

Poacher to Laois with John Doyle as trainer is what TFK wants.


I hope you die in your sleep

With wheelie bin taking the midfielders - look what’s he’s done with Howie and Fento



A Poacher/Tally combined ticket. A supergrouping of ‘No Plan B’ coaching.

I would be surprised if so

Who the fuck asked you

Ye should get Liam Kerins back.

He did great work there once upon a time.

Him and Woolie would be a great ticket

Yeah Woolie had Kearns on his show there a few years ago and there seemed a great chemistry between the two.

Putting a man in charge because he had a podcast didn’t work out in the not so distant past.


Cluxton in as goalkeeping coach would complete the dream team coaching ticket.


Would you be tempted to help out as a maoir uisce?

One anti social weirdo would be more than enough

Repeat above answer

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That was the joke