Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

:smile: :smile:
nailed it

Flip me pink we have an awful musical heritage. Have we even had one credible rock/indie act who even sung in their own accent or had proper lyrics?? Even the fontaines are actually singing in a put on accent

Rollerskate skinny, frank and walters, GSC, SLFs

I saw them at the Olympia one Christmas. It was like an Annabel’s reunion

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The Thrills were actually a lot more tolerable than the others I named.

Listening to The Scratch lately potentiel there, best irish band right now are the nodies, Kneecap

Yeah sorry I meant to say who made it any way big. Frank and Walters were good but sung in an English accent

Unkind and also untrue

The Undertones
Stiff Little Fingers

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Yer man from the Sultans of Ping sang like TV3 football commentator Conor MocNomora talks.

Why has no one ever sang in an irish accent? Bar versatile damo and Ronnie drew but they’re a different genre

Christy Moore.

Neil Hannon from the Divine comedy sang in his own accent

Because Irish accents sound shit when sung in a rock/pop song. Dublin or Ulster accents are the only accents you might be able to get away with and even then it’s hit or miss at best.

The London accent sounds shit when sung as well.

Manchester, maybe Glasgow are really the only UK accents which are suited to being sung over a rock/pop/whatever song.

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The Thrills are literally a California band. Not the worst from that era.

What about bell X1… there was a hint of roaster in there somewhere

I don’t think I could name one of their songs to be honest.

Van Morrison
Feargal McKee
Anyone from Cork

They had a song about a homeless fella getting his hole, at least that’s what I think it was about.

Van Morrison me hoop

He doesnt even talk in an irish accent

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Fontaine’s had a bit