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The London accent in recorded rock/pop music should be confined to self-consciously wacky raps.

I heard him on Miriam O’Callaghan last week and his accent was like Graeme McDowell on steroids.

Poor @Arthur is micksing up the language of rock n roll here with his romantic visions of old oirland

This is what happens when you sing in an irish accent

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But then there’s this:


There is that. Jaysus I haven’t listened to them in years.

Small doses.

Shane mcGowan sang in a mix of a put on Irish accent and a bit of cockney and the Pogues produced some of the finest rock songs ever written

Serious cultural cringe in evidence here and the responses answer my question. :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:There are numerous brilliant bands singing in their own accents. Just none of ours

A brilliant band at their best but never took themselves too seriously, which is probably why a lot of people didn’t take them seriously either. The Green and Red of Mayo is an amazing song. I can’t believe the first place I ever heard it was over the closing credits of an RTE hagiography of Pee Flynn in about 1995 or 1996.

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The rubber bandits kid

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Good post but the first song on the first Kodaline album was quite good and The Thrills had probably 2 good songs.

Danny Reilly studied Irish in UCD for a year and went to the gaelteacht with my mates that year. I heard a lot of stories about that holiday. In one if the stories they had all arrived in the Irish house and noone knew anyone yet. There was an awkward silence for about 5 minutes and then one of the lads sighed loudly to himself, stared and the ceiling and muttered loudly “Jaysus, the tits on Mary Black.” (Mary Black is Danny O’Reilly’s mother). Everyone burst out laughing, the ice was broken and they went on to all have a great holiday and become friends.

I heard this story several times but never met Danny until he had left college and formed the Coronas. Then one night we met him at the back bar in Coppers (he wasn’t famous yet). I was absolutely hammered. All my Irish-studies mates were chatting to him, saying hi. I wanted up to him polluted. He looked at me like “do I know you?”. I tried to think of something to say. “The tits on Mary Black”, I eventually came up with. We had to be separated.


This ones just for you bai

The Coronas played at the Trinity Ball in 2008. They came on quite late, I’d say after 3am, after Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, who I was there to see. This was not a Black Rebel Motorcycle Club crowd and I got some hostile reaction when I tried to start moshing in the middle of a stationary group of people during their set. I was extremely drunk by the time The Coronas came on stage, and it soon became apparent that it very much was a Coronas crowd. I had to be restrained and eventually dragged out of the tent, such was the abuse I was hurling at them, the band and the crowd. And I’d do it again.


Such ignorance.

Tom Cruise .

Add Delorentos to that

Picture This should be top of the list ffs

Dolores O’Riordan sang in her own accent to be fair to her.


Some amount of seethe and resentment over the last 24 hours on this thread directed against lads who followed their dream, wrote some songs and played in a band.

Middle age and the lockdown is causing a huge spike in bitterness.

It’s fascinating to watch.


Danny O Reilly is an incredibly well mannered young man. With a smile that makes you weak at the knees.