Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

It’s all systems now. Systems killed the county star.

Aye he does

They did a good job of the place brings a bit of class to portlaoise

TWouldn’t be hard.

A knife and fork to ate a pizza.

I’m out.

I’d safely say the knife and fork was as close as that cardboard shite made it to Bernio.

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Domhnall is the Gleeson representative on the show tonight

Hazel Chu will represent the muesli chompers. Dermott O’Leary - yawn. A rapper from Limerick. Gloria Estaban will also Zoom in. I thought she was dead actually.

If there were ever reasons to abandon beer and attack the hard liquor there they are.


But Tubs will have an inspirational talk for all the old folk. That will make it all worthwhile.

He can stick his patronising guff up his Toy Show jumper. An overtly paid Government stooge trotting out faux platitudes. Christ but the national broadcaster stinks to heaven.

When Nanny finishes Gone with the Wind (TCM) I’ll re-watch Josey Wales stick his finger up at authority before going head to head with Ten Bears.


Tubridy addressing the nation here.

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The pencil neck cunt is off again.

Cc @balbec


Tubs seems to think people care what he thinks about Covid

I really dislike this spoofer

“I’m not trying to be a hero” ha ha


At least he’s not trying anything heroic

It could have been Tubs who died…

It’s an awful pity Tubridy wasn’t caught up in Golfgate.

I’m only watching for the tfking

He’s still fucking going.