Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

You can be sure that there’ll be no tough questions asked of Archer, the lying, perjury committing scumbag.

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I hear the Tories are bringing back Jeffrey Archer for the next election as their anti-corruption candidate

According to Ryan there will be a few twists and turns in tonight’s show but for legal and other reasons he can’t go into them.

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a grade one shit

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What galls me is this duplicious fucker is allowed retain his Knighthood in the face of multiple wrongdoings. Poor oul’ Lester Piggott was summarily stripped of his and thrun’ in jail over a few inaccuries in his tax form - a misfortunate error possibly down to a poor accountant.


And poor old Fred the Shred.

"At Oxford Archer was successful in athletics, competing in sprinting and hurdling, and became president of the Oxford University Athletic Club.[4] Television coverage survives of him making false starts in a 1964 sprint race, but he was not disqualified. He gained a blue in athletics and went on to run for England, and once successfully competed for Great Britain.[13]

Even as a student Jeffrey Archer was plagued with rumours of financial wrongdoing — fellow undergraduates were amazed that he owned houses and cars with personalised number plates while working part time as an Oxfam fund raiser.[16]

Archer raised money for the charity Oxfam, obtaining the support of The Beatles in a charity fundraising drive. The band accepted his invitation to visit the Principal’s lodge at Brasenose College, where they were photographed with Archer and dons of the college,[17] although they did not play there. The critic Sheridan Morley, then a student at Merton, was present and recalled the occasion:

At the interval I went to the toilet, and there beside me was Ringo Starr. He asked if I knew this Jeffrey Archer bloke. I said everyone in Oxford was trying to work out who he was. Ringo said: ‘He strikes me as a nice enough fella, but he’s the kind of bloke who would bottle your piss and sell it.’[18]"

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Kane and Abel was a great miniseries back in the 80s with Sam Neill starring.

Is Rolf Harris still a knight of the realm?

No. He has however, on the advice of the law, " Tied his Kangaroo down ".


i remember it well, with peter strauss as abel rossnovsky

That’s right real rags to riches story. Poor Kane wasn’t the same after daddy died on titanic

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Richie Sadler revealing a story he never spoke about before on tonight’s show.

Now that is bottom of the barrel.

His famous 17m move to Sunderland that never happened

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The Second Captains lads will be devo

That he preferred watching tv than shagging the lovely Holly Carpenter as she has said?

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Brendan O’Carroll
Christy Dignam
Oliver Callan
Edit - and Keith Barry and Dickie Rock

Linda Martin has to be in there too.

Daniel o Donnell
Ed Byrne

Hes actually not going back to NZ now at all apparently