Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

This whole thing could go full circleā€¦ God forbid. Where Iā€™d end up on the Late Late show being interviewed by Tubbs pouring my heart out to the nation describing my life post amputation. My struggle with the phantom hard ons & my stump of a mickeyā€¦ At least Tubbs could really empathise & identify with me on the latter.


Most people must just be watching this now to post online about how shit it is.

Dont watch it lads if ye hate it so much.

Apart from the marching powder show once a year, I donā€™t bother me hole with it

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Breda and Nuala probably have long threads on mumsnet where Dalo and Cyril Farrell get the same vitriol that Tubridy gets on here.

BTW, you might remember a few weeks ago there was a young lad with nail varnish and big hair who appeared on the LLS with his mother complaining about how Covid19 had fucked him up.

You might also remember that I had heard from a friend that he knows a young lad who had caught Covid19 and now could hardly walk. My friend put it down to the young lad panicking and said the real damage was done by the ventilator.

Had a chat with my mate this morning and sure enough these two young covid patients are one and the same.

My mate who knows the young fella, went on to slag the fucking shit out of the lad and Ryan Tubridy also. Said that the kid pisses his pants over everything. Is an attention-seeker with no coping skills whatsoever. Said the only reason he was put on a ventilator was because he couldnā€™t cope with being sick and because the media had him and his mother so panicked. Said the ventilator did all the damage. Said the kid was now being rewarded for not being able to cope and was loving every moment of it. The kid is being treated like a hero but really heā€™s just a complete disgrace. The only effect of putting him on the LLS was to frighten old people. Etc, etc, etc.


You are one horrible, horrible cunt

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Have read that ventilators have caused quite a bit of damage, but am sceptical that a medical professional would put somebody on a ventilator because the media had scared him.

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Maybe just trying to get their moneys worth

You seem to be unraveling today.


So society is to blame ?

if you need a ventilator you are not worth saving

You would want your respiratory system examined if you were thinking of using a ventilator!


I trust my friend who knows that fella very well and was following his case as it progressed. Donā€™t shoot the messenger.

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simpsons society breakdown

I hope he doesnā€™t trust you.

Youre attacking a kid who has been overly mothered, has shit teachers and is being exploited by the mediaā€¦ and you think heā€™s the problem.

He is the problem, always someone elses fault

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Of course they wouldā€™nt.