Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

No, clearly thereā€™s loads of fault to go around there.

Didnā€™t see the it to be fairā€¦ but from the way you describe him, the nail varnish & big hairā€¦ the ventilator induced trauma to the stretched alveoli in his lungs is a kind trauma he enjoys to another area of his anatomy.

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Youā€™re correct, heā€™s one small cog in a much larger wheel.

These kids are just behaving the way society wants to behave. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy recently posted the Twitter account of a young lad at UCC who he said had annoyed him. The UCC lad was a decent harmless enough chap with lots of potential in life, except when you delved into his Twitter page he had some complete shite posted about ā€œWish me luck - going for a Covid19 test - Iā€™ve had a few symptoms! Iā€™m so scared!ā€ Or some such nonsense along those lines, I canā€™t remember the exact words. And loads and loads of replies wishing him luck and love. Of course he was negative. So basically this young lad had a cold or a cough and had to post on Twitter about how traumatic it was and get loads of attention.

But the point is that he had looked at wider society and seen what behaviour gets rewarded. Long ago in Ireland you had people who were proud for never being sick a day in their whole lives. Obviously Iā€™m not like that and in some ways it was harmful because it didnā€™t encourage men to take care of their health and go to the doctor but ā€¦ fuck sake there has to be some happy medium.

It reminds me of on the Shankill Road you had wee lads 6 or 7 years old going around saying that they wanted to be loyalists when they grew up because they could see who was respected and what their society valued.

Another excellent post from new poster Thomas Brady, thank you for putting me right.

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Youā€™ve put up enough information there to hang your ā€œfriendā€ out to dry.

That young lad was a narcissist.


Tubbers with a heartfelt monologue here.

Turn it off mate

Not in my gift, pal.

The only fellow ever to come out as gay on now.

Itā€™s absolutely shite so far

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Tubridy to Schofield - ā€œI often speak to people who might be in a similar road to the one youā€™ve travelledā€

Does he mean he often speaks to people he thinks are secret gays?

Iā€™m switching it off now, donā€™t worry.

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Shit I caught one extra little second before I switched over to Netflix - Schofield says people often come up to him on the street to tell him that they canā€™t express how much heā€™s helped them.

Philip fucking Schofield, dear lord

Ah lads ye are glutons for punishment. Go off and ride the wife or something.

If youā€™re going to give a running commentary would you at least make it interesting?

Obviously not married mate!!

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Good win for Wolverhampton Wanderers

That cunt never drank a pint of guinness in his life

Any chance of making this a slow topic?

Whos this fat cunt?