Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Bernard O’ Shea from Laois.

Laois has serious obesity issues


When Tubridy has to resort to his fake laugh, you know it’s shit. The laugh seems especially reserved for this cunt, Jason Byrne and Ed Byrne.

This is so bad, it’s mildly addictive

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I’m really not sure where this bleaching hair story is going.

Nowhere is my guess.

You’d miss the audience laughter

I got that spot on.

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Here we go - another clown on about mindfulness

He might give Tubs a few tips

And they put up the samaritans number :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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You’d think you were in the USA passing through the streets of Durrow.

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That was a very odd ending :rofl:

That ad there for Kerrygold where they are talking about farms being passed down from generation to generation they could have dropped that for the week that was in it.


Mrs Mac just said the exact same thing. They’ll probably have an ad in the next break about nurses in kids hospitals or something

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This fellas usp for “the book” appears to be that he broke his neck and caught Covid.

Does he have a book out? Didn’t notice him mention it.

The supervet is a decent skin

Do yourself a favour and get a decent book to read

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Friday night is not sex night

It should just have been called ‘The New Books For Sale Show’ this evening

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