Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

He was due to go back to spend time with his mother who was ill. She has since died so seemingly he isn’t going to move back.


Must be very bad tonight.

Jeffrey archer is a cunt

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He must be pissed

A pedigree.

Got the sense Lowry is sick of answering the same questions at this stage.

Stephanie Preissner
Pippa O’Connor
That weird poet fella from the Wescht who talks about depression.

Pat Shortt would surely be up there

Davy Fitz , Spillane and brolly from GGA are hardy annuals

These poor people. Disgusting what that Gemma one has done to them.


Walking cunt GOD

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Fair play to Richie here. Must be very tough

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What revelation had Richie?

He’s trying to plug his book

Thought as much.

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He was sexually abused as a teenager

It’s been done

Awful in fairness, seem like a lovely couple.

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