Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The lidl couple? Absolutely shameful.

What’s the background here? Any group in particular behind the racist abuse? Gobsmacked by it really. A fuckin death threat to a toddler like

Gemmas crew of slack jawed followers


What is the story with Gemma O’Doherty is she having some sort of mental breakdown since being sacked?

Nothing mental about her

Racism is a booming and lucrative industry

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Ah a wannabe katie Hopkins. Thought we would need an intervention from Dr Bressie.

No idea. Her husband passed away as well relatively recently so may well be some kind of breakdown alright

The pub


Who the fuck wrote that piece?

Brendan O’Carroll as headline for his 57th appearance on the show. For FFFFFFFS
At least they hid Jamie Heaslip and his knowledge of typhoons.

John Bercow and the wonderful Sibeal Ni Chasadaigh are on the list and not hightlighted in any way. More For FFFFS

That’s a cracking guest to have at the moment and like you say Bernard O’Shea gets the bigger profile!!

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Bernard O’Shea will discuss masculinity, marriage and more in his new book, My Wife is Married to a Feckin’ Eejit.

Jesus Fucking Christ.


Darren wrote it.

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Springsteen and De Niro on Graham Norton


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Sorry. The main event is James Blunt

A gas man on Twitter to be fair.


Springsteen’s meant to be great on chat shows. Talks for 3 hours without a break.


Another cuntfest