Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Joe Duffy.
Brendan O’Carroll.
Bernard O’Shea.

None of them will get lost on the way to the studio anyway.

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I wonder will that wanker BOC have his glasses perched on top of his egg head

So Jamie Heaslip still wont talk about his retirement

Just turned on. Who’s on the Late Late tonight with Bernard O’Shea?

Laois’ finest on now…

Can someone record the John Bercow bit on their VCR for me please?


Jokes about the leaving the Immersion on…

Bernard with a very funny piece on plumbing and heating there.

He just mugged Ryan off spectacularly there.

cc @padjo

This is car crash stuff.

Lot of shouting and bad jokes.

Driving over to plug your car into aul lads electricity is the immersion joke for the millennials

Ryan is laughing far too hard at some fairly shit jokes here

He was gas

Very light hearted fun. Doesn’t overdo it with the smut or try too hard to offend.

Please take note cc @iron_mike

Joe Duffy coming up

I found a lot of it very offensive and cheap.

He’s no Kevin McAleer, that is for sure.

What offended you, bro?

The cursing and there was no need for the cat thing.