Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The cat thing was hilarious, have you ever heard cats riding? It’s terrifying.

I’ve never heard cats riding


No, I don’t think I’d find it hilarious.

He’s some plank, he doesn’t know how to interact with boggers at all, he was all over that cunt Heaslip, a lot of what O’Shea was talking about was completely alien to him

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Bernard was a million times better than this horrid Mrs Browns Boys skit.

That aul blonde one must smoke at least 40 fags a day.

Switched over to Jaws on rte2. Still as good as ever.


Are you serious?

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I remember Berno when he was nothing. Fucking nothing.

Good on him getting onto the RTÉ teat

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He has an intellectual disability


In that case I withdraw my previous remark.

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Some fair assholes on tfk

You’re going to need a bigger boat

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So fucking good


Bercow gets some wear out of this suit and tie combo.

This guys head is too big for his body

John has had a few

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Yep deffo steamed, big red eyes