Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Fucks sake with this Order shit. Interview him properly cokehead.

Speaker’s house! FFS.

He just called Tubridy “Brian” :rofl:

I thought I heard that


His missus :grimacing:

He’s gearing up for an applause there.

John Major???


The bags under his eyes.

The Tory loves Rodger Federer!!! :grin:

Boris the cur!

Why are they having this fat sticky hypocrite on to preach about The Troubles?


Duffy is a creep


This Smelly prick thrives on bad luck stories, almost gets off on it.

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Wonder did Tubridy have any objections to his grandfather’s IRA and the children they killed?

Is Duffy profiting from children death

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Looks like it.

Lovely lead question from Tubs there. FFS.

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The fat cunt is so insincere.

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