Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Bridges Is goodā€¦ I used to like Jimmy Carr but havenā€™t heard him in a while. Frankie Boyle too.

Drink helps

The head on Ronnie Wood there. I think thereā€™s a squirrel sitting on top of it

He has a great way about him.

Was a good call not to play ā€œall shook upā€ Ronnie is looking fair shook himself but I sā€™pose theyā€™ve all looked like that for 20 years.

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Good show in prospect for the first LLS of 2022. Vicky Phelan, Charlie Bird, Baz Ashmawi, Jason Byrne, Karl Henry, Davy Fitz, Joanna Donnelly and Dermot Bannon amongst others.

Good to see some fresh new faces.


Great to see so many LLS debut appearances thereā€¦.

Edit: fuck u fulvio


You fucker. Whatever glimmer of light and hope attached itself to this dark, miserable day you have extinguished with a vengeance.
Who dreams up these line-ups? The comedian section being filled by Byrneā€¦ā€¦


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Great cowboy picture on TG4 tonight Boxty. The Missouri Breaks. Marlon Brandos Oirish accent is a thing of beauty


you forgot

happy you know it GIF by VodafoneIreland


Keeping it light

Misery porn going after the ratings as they know the baileys minis crowd will tune in.

I like a Baileyā€™s Irish Cream chaser followed by a can of lager watching the Late Late Show myself.

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Davy might be out of coty 2021 by the start of the show. Could have canvassed hard on the show

The Late Late Show brought to you by The Sackler Family


Heā€™ll do his cunt of the year 2022 chances no harm tho


Jason fucking Byrne. Seriously what dirt does he have on RTE execs?


Tubs going for a Munster hurling championship style opening to tonightā€™s show.