Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I really enjoyed that opening segment, although I didn’t see it.

An example of the top quality content for which we pay the licence fee.

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We get savage value for money here

This is rugby country boys .

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“The frisson of excitement”

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Rugby players are real A list celebrities in Ireland


The national television programme, the national sport. If you were tasked with hosting visitors to our country and they asked to experience something authentically Irish, you’d get them to experience this.

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I’m sure they will have a similar segment for the start of the GAA championships in April :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


There won’t be any like the same level of interest to be very honest

The frizz is strong with this one

The 2009 Grand Slam lifted the mood of the nation as much as one of Gerald Kean’s birthday parties.


I’m actually seething here.

Sure why would they when the entirety of the GAA commentariat ridicules their own competitions (with the exception of lovers of Ulster football).

It’s also sort of difficult to sell the start of a championship to the general public when it’s Longford v Wicklow in Glennon Brothers Pearse Park or Roscommon v Leitrim in Hiroshima.

I’m watching Michael Palin and some random people (including Ed Byrne wtf) waffling inanely about Pole to Pole on 2+1, I suggest ye turn over lads, it’s good for the soul.

You’re right. They’ll hardly even sell out their only three games in the rugby.

The three home 6N games will sell out .

In contrast there will be probably be no sell outs in GAA this year until football semis or Dublin V Kerry or Mayo

The hurling final probably the only hurling game

I thought Tubs was going to breathlessly announce they were was going to be a postal quiz. Alas.

You’d miss the oul’ postal quiz and Gay shoving his arm deep down into the massive pile of postcards, so you would.

Apparently Limerick are going to sell out all their league games

Limerick v Clare in the championship will sell out & Lk v Cork might well but outside of Lk there will be little interest

Blonde one is nice

Waterford have Tipp & Cork at home as well I think, good chance they will test capacity as well given the limit in Walsh Park.