Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

She’s attracted @cheasty’s first post of the night anyway

Champions League style seating arrangement here with two full rows of empty seats at the front for no good reason.

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Possibly but I wouldn’t think either would draw 20k in a big stadium

It’s great to see international attendances being compared to county attendances all the same.


What sort of crowds do the Ireland international hurling team draw?

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The reality is that the LLS had a segment tonight about a competition that attracts huge interest , viewership , and crowds

Lads got awful het up

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Have to enjoy the rugger for what it is not what it isn’t. They don’t really fish in the GAA pool…they know better.

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Will Ryan and co have a game of soggy biscuit?


The Late Late is some steaming pile of shite. I remember back when it was on a Saturday night and I had to watch Uncle fucking Gaybo instead of Match of the Day…the seeds of dislike were sown back then…


A Joe Rogan podcast is what you need, I’d recommend the undertaker one


I didn’t see it, only the stimulating debate here.

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Me too

Tadhg Furlong and Sean O’ Brien probably the main exceptions who might have played inter-county only for their blossoming rugby careers. Rob Kearney too maybe. Might be a crossover in SoCo Dublin these days.

Serious fans

They will in their holes.

Rubby triggers lads something desperate. A lot of @thelimericks go mad when the Rubby being talked about as it is using server space that could be used to talk about Limerick

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It’s great to have you on hand to help explain this and other Limerick transgressions to the forum.


It shouldn’t be either/or. There’s plenty of scope to talk about both rugby and Limerick, in fact they’re usually indivisible. Limerick is rugby mad. There’s a lovely saying about rugby in Limerick - most lads here probably won’t have heard it - but it’s said about rugby in Limerick that it’s played and supported by doctors and dockers, and everybody in between.

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Just saw the start of the late late show on twitter
Unbelievable scutter
Uncle Gaybo must be spinning in his grave

In the last normal year (2019) both games drew in excess of 20k and Waterford were a rabble that season.

Very hard to gauge what the crowds will be like this year. Pent up demand for live sports vs Limerick dominance.