Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

No Davy Fitz this year
Attendances will suffer

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Hurling fans will really miss watching the Wexford half back line trying to engineer a way to make the ball go up the field.

What the absolute fuck :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Uncle gaybo was a cunt.


Gway he’s pulling what’s left of the lad watching what it has become. An official Ireland’s wet dream.

No problem pal. Ye are v inward looking so it’s good to bring ye enlightenment. Maybe I could do a 4 hour podder for you to listen to while your walking the dog

Never heard that. Great saying. Captures the Rubby in Limerick to a tee

Let me guess
 They should have been singing Sean South
 We get it man

In fairness, they could have sang Barbie Girl by Aqua and it would have sounded better than that tripe. Your man bouncing up and down like a gee bag then 

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Mrs Barnes went visiting her parents in Mayo for the weekend. She texted me earlier to say there is 3 tv’s on in the house and The Late Late was on all of them.


There is some nostalgia about the LLS . It was mostly shite


^ Josephine Rogan


You live in an interesting, if challenging household. I’d say you’ve knocked some sport out of it.

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The county isn’t. GAA and soccer dwarf it there. The majority of people who play and follow rugby in the city are from middle class backgrounds. Outside of Young Munster’s folk, there aren’t that many “dockers” and “binmen”. Rugby was and still is an elitist sport that is played almost exclusively in private fee paying schools.

What did I just watch

Every OIUTF cultist should be made watch that on repeat.

This is what yis wanted.

I found it very enjoyable myself, lovely to see people having a good time and singing the national anthem.

Richmond, Pres, Mary’s, Thomond are all working class clubs. Shannon would have a mix with a lot coming in from the country


It’s great that the audience is back in time for the Valentine’s Day special.

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I gave that a like to add a red heart