Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Yer one in the black leather trousers though :star_struck:

To be honest the GAA is near non existent in the working class parts of Lk city

Soccer is the game there

Same as every other city in Europe

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Do you have to wear a mask at gigs, cinemas, theatres etc or is this just RTE refusing to give up the ghost?

Why have the crowd got muzzles on and tubridy doesn’t ?

Tubridy is one of the biggest cunts in the history of the state as well.

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All matching masks, presumably RTE handed them out.

I just saw the Ireland’s Call segment.

Sweet love of Jesus

We used to be a proper country.

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Its very rare I agree with him on anything but he encapsulates this scene perfectly here.


Paul is over analysing this . It was harmless enough buffoonery

Few lads could do with figuring out how to use the remote.


And Tubridy at the centre of it.

Todd Andrew’s grandson.

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The TG4 western is the job .

Yeah it was probably the most cringeworthy LLS segment of all time

Last nights was an absolute cracker.

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I didn’t see the programme but that is some statement. There has been some serious scutter on the LLS over the years!

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No I’d say he was bang on. Tho I did only see the short clip and recognise It doesn’t give the full context @gilgamboa @Rocko .

Maybe Gaybo showing the nation how to use a Johny would be up there too although I wasn’t alive to see that.

The mask is the new badge of ‘respectable’ official ireland too. Wearing one at the school gates outdoors collecting the kids is a great way to seperate the wheat from the chavs.

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