Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Fair play to Paul Murphy there.

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The Late late show producers and tubs are finally tailoring the program for their demographic…nursing home residents


^ if we take your post to be true what’s the girl in the leather doing there? Chasing Tubs?
Or strategic placement by a failing producer?

There are a lot of lads here who seem determined to drive themselves into nursing homes, or better still, asylums, with their obsessive desire to seek outrage against harmless light entertainment.

I’d call that a form of mental illness.


You know what the difference is between an audience and a viewership is right?

Not a tricolour in sight and rubbby sing

Possibly a hand if friendship to our unionist brethren (a no doubt significant viewership cohort of the show)

I literally chased outrage last night. I was on the TV guide, tip tapping away to get to my recordings, RTE One visible in the little square box in the screen corner as I was navigating. Continuity announcer type says…and now it’s time for the Late Late Show where Ryan Tubridy welcomes back a live studio audience. Home & Away can wait a few minutes says I. I want to see what these cunts have in store to mark the occasion. I was expecting one of Tubridy’s monologues but I got the Ireland’s Call sing along. I was absolutely seething to put it mildly. Ryan segued into inane chit chat with the audience after the singing and dancing, focusing on an Irish lady and her Welsh husband who met on a rubby weekend in Cardiff. I switched over at this point, eager to discover why Chloe’s father was now contacting Mia all these years later. I was asleep by around 10.25pm but it was an unsettled sleep, and I blame the Late Late Show opening segment. A lot of people who said I was overreacting last night are now forcefully arguing that everybody involved should have been taken out and shot (cc Larry O’Gorman on The Sunday Game re Gerry Quinn).


INTERNET radicalisation is real. Lads here need to chill.

I like the Late Late Show because it often has interesting guests on, offers stimulating debate and the interviews don’t take four and a half hours.

If lads don’t to want to watch they should simply not watch it.

Who’s in Home and Away these days? Is Flathead still principal of the school? He was last time I looked anyway.

You’ve gone full Zapruder Film on that segment


Why do people watch late late if they hate it? Strange.

They need iptv in their lives

Jota and Juranovic for Scales and Forrest.

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Are they appearing on valentine’s show ??

Really poor since the break.

The opening segment with Ireland’s Call was shocking so I can’t believe it’s been even worse after the break.

Phil Coulter should be sent for trial in The Hague

Extraordinary drama with Tane and the Cops sister nearly killed by the mad woman and her Organophosphates.

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Tubridy will have to release a heartfelt statement.

That’s the best trolling I’ve ever seen.

The LLS last night was great, in that it was so bad it forced me to turn off the TV completely and tomorrow I will contact Virgin Media for a new remote, which I have been putting off for weeks.