Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I didnā€™t really pay much attention to the whole thingā€¦ I didnā€™t realise that it was initially a two man job and he just decided to plough on himself when the other lad bailed outā€¦ Fuck me thatā€™s some going

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Some mental battle out there Iā€™d say.

There were several attempts this year to row across the Atlantic. All started as multi-rower teams. All bar Damian failed. Heā€™s a freak of nature.


Didnā€™t realize that.

He was saying he probably ended up doing an extra 600 miles once the other lad left, because when he wasnā€™t rowing, youā€™d be going back towards where you came from.

Sure it must have been soul destroying.

Gussy was a lucky man to make it off alive. I doubt many would have lasted that long either, so thereā€™s no shame in it. Especially when you consider itā€™s not that long ago he was told heā€™d never walk again.

Sheā€™s some bird this Joanne McNally, some pair of legs under her. Youā€™d love @HBV to still be posting here to see what he thinks of her.


Came across as a sound skin.

Iā€™ve met him a couple of times. an alright sort.

The north easterlies gave him a fair dig out

I wasnā€™t following closely, but wasnā€™t Browne cutting the back off him and calling him a useless cunt barely two weeks in?


Hated him

A week? :smile:

Tbf I think the cunt is a little unhinged - I thought half the reason was to milk the corporate dollar but itā€™s actually only to pay for the next adventure. I might join him on Peak Lenin

Sheā€™s hit a nice niche for herself. Fair play.

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Not quite. He was commenting on his non-stop negativity.

Heā€™s like a fella that will go down the motivational speaker route, whatā€™s his day job or does he have one? Heā€™ll have to have one eventually so heā€™ll probably hone in on this area.

If i was him iā€™d be absolutely fuming at getting marooned on rocks due to circling Galways for a few days waiting for the wife to arrive at the pier, heā€™d to be brought in on a rescue boat, would have been a far more effective ending to row in himself. To fall short right at the end must have been galling.


Fall short is what he does. No biggy

Yep the first few weeks were damo moaning about gussy. In fairness your man dropped two of the three shit pots in the water in the first week or so.

Iā€™d say there was zero chance of them completing it together. They started off with 1 hour shifts and then our shifts and they seemed absolutely wanked after a few weeks of it.

Iā€™m seeing a pattern here

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The Sherpa, Gussy and the rocks of Furbo.