Mount Everest & other Feats of Endurance

Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama to name but two are self actualised. It’s not a con at all but is only a theory that’s a good metric. You can take it literally or as a guide to self development.
What I do know is anyone who shoots it down as a cod will never be self actualised or whatever their own version of that looks like.

It’s a yellowfin tuna mate.

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Done me up like a kipper there in fairness to you

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Don’t worry, be happy

Dunno if anyone else was following it, but some rollercoaster of a podcast.
Comes to a conclusion in the latest episode.

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He blamed it all on his poor auld Sherpa, the bollox.


Who is the bollox? The Sherpa or Browne?


and the Sherpa carrying him and his bags up the side of the mountain.

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Listened after your recommendation. Well worth the listen.


I’ve a friend who guides these charity/corporate expeditions, he did the Kilimanjaro trip before with a few of the ex-rugby heads. He’d say that anyone over 100kg is just physiologically completely unsuited to doing the big peaks like Everest.
Browne doesn’t have the profile from his rugby career to get onto the after-dinner circuit, but he built up a following from the time he rowed the Atlantic.
If he was to admit he failed himself to get up to the summit he’d be done as far as the corporate gigs go.

Dunno if you listened to any of it. But completely out of his control. Seems a very driven individual but I dunno if many people would choose to leave their 5 day old to go climb a mountain.

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If you were following the story he had plenty of excuses to quit before now if he wanted to.

It was a very interesting story to follow and I certainly wouldn’t be thinking less of him after it.


I haven’t listened to it yet, neither had yer man, but he was aware of the expedition. I’ll try and keep an open mind

Listened to a few of his podcasts this morning, mostly rambling auld shite about self discovery etc :yawning_face:

He could discover as much about himself trying to get ahead of cattle on a busy main road at 7am in the morning. It wouldn’t cost him €50k either.


After 20 years wanking around in the gym and playing the odd match, he’s desperate to avoid a day job to pay the bills.


Did he make it to the summit?

Good documentary on Netflix called Sherpa, some eye opener to see how easy the Sherpas make it for the so called climbers


Few lads around here have conquered the world it seems.