Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Them Corbally lads, proper ladies men.

This hobgoblin should give it a rest.

Fucking wasters tho

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Are lads still watching this

They should have fucked off and joined a marching band then

We’re lovers, not fighters.

He could do with losing a few stone.

Capaldi is a good yoke but he’s no Gerry Cinnamon

All behind you now kid. What time are you on tonight?

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Signing out

All night

This lad is a bit touched.

He looks like Paul Merton’s fat younger brother.

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@gilgamboa thinks he’s great though.

Off his tits

Tubs is laughing too hard here.

I do. But I havent bought an album in 20 years

The two of em are both massive Celtic fans

That was refreshing. I’m making loads of money and I’m happy about it and enjoying it.

No fucking sob story or fake depression.
Well done Lewis Capaldi.


Not cool enough for the edgy crew

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