Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Be careful. You’ll have some blue shirt along in a minute telling you Simon Harris is doing a great job and his unpopularity is down to classism.

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I’ve a cousin nursing in the cardiac unit in Crumlin, don’t know how she does it. These are often 1 in a million conditions she deals with, and I don’t know can any government cater for those cases; but God help anyone that has to go through it


She would be underpaid at twice her wage


Also, Tubs is brilliant at this stuff fwiw.

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My missus worked there for a good few years but left a couple of years ago. She recognised some of the kids which will really brings home just how sick they are that they have spent most of their young lives in hospital. She is now down in a regional hospital down the country with a paeds ward albeit it’s not quite as hectic as Crumlin. She is on maternity leave now but occasionally when there is an acute/critical case she has to accompany the child in an ambulance to Dublin with parents driving behind. The front line staff are truly wonderful people and sometimes managing parents expectations and questions is the toughest part.


Women are the stronger of the species


Agreed, pal.

It’s not even in doubt.

275k raised on the go fund me. Unreal


That’s brilliant… Irish people sre always great to respond.

This Marian Keyes is some dose.

An ex of mine used to read all her books religiously and insist on watching every interview with her on telly. Fucking torture of the highest order.

Not a bad looking bird for 56

Johnny Logan getting trotted out again. How exciting.

I wouldnt have put that age on her. Shes cracked id say

What’s another year says Johnny

Johnny is 65… The skinny Jeans wearing prick.

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I always assumed he was a sausage jockey but apparently he’s married with kids.

He can be both.

And I only after ironing my skinny jeans for my day at the races tomorrow.

You’re making me question my life choices now.
