Late Late Show - Tubridy Terror

Who did he post as, The Prawn?

The trip they went on had nothing to do with debts. It was planned for a few years.

It takes a smart man to play the fool

Are the banks chasing her for his debts?

He has no debts

They can’t chase her for his debts. Maybe their joint debts.

Wont give a straight answer @mac? Can’t believe you made me Google it.

Thing of nothing really. Doubt it makes any difference to them day to day bar a bit of embarrassment for her

So the bank aren’t chasing her for his debts. Thanks for proving my point.

She signed guarantees for loans for the family bookmaking firm. AIB are chasing them. I’d say that’s his debts alright.

Business loans. No longer his debts.

She made them hers as well the day she signed the guarantee Juhy. Despite what she (or hundreds of others) might want to think

Which is why she’s going for bankruptcy? @mac?

You seem to think she is Juhy. I can’t answer a question I don’t know the answer to.

Don’t know if she is or not. Probably not if she went to states. He had the Welsh thing well sussed

Where is this Vaughan lad from? He was seemingly was on Big Brother. Seems to be lacking a bit. “I never wanted to be on TV, I just loved Big Brother”.

Low rent Dancing with the Stars :laughing:

A car crash unfolding on this.

Des’ partner is feisty

Yes .

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