Late Late Show - Tubridy Terror

Never a truer word spoken society in 30 years time will not exist. What a load of wank.


Lads on social media giving out stink about social media.


Fathers on social media giving out about kids on social media…

Phil Cunting Coulter :rollseyes:

What kids?

Society is being wiped out

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This is a sound man the chap who lost his wife when she was shot dead by ISIS terrorists on a beach in Tunisia.

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What the Fuck?

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Just switched on. What have I missed

I’m listening to a bit of underworld here, the late late is on in the background with the sound down. It looks especially unspeakable tonight.

Concept television here from Tubs.

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Thankfully @Copper_pipe has provided me with enough reading material…this is fuckin ridiculous

This late late will drive a lot of the usual suspects demented.

Fuckity fucking fuck sake :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

You’ll be lucky to get it read by the festival

Not a whole lot

Who is this utter cunt. Not one bit funny.

A lad Paul Galvin tried to puck the head off