League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

On 4k a week supposedly.

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Doubt it, I’d say nearer 2k

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Is that a gym and coffee hoodie

When are Shamrock going to finish off Horseshoe Park?

I think it’ll be completed around this time next year. Will be ready for our four in a row quest. The new home of Irish football.


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Jack Friday @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Disappointing to see a player of Byrne’s calibre playing in League of Ireland.

Just great to have him away from the likes of McCarthy

plans in place

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Mannus has signed for one more year

Calum Waters on loan

Is there a “tail between legs” emoji #jacksback


This was played perfectly. He had a back problem, we shipped him off for the cypriots to pay for the operation and now he is back fully fit and half a million euros richer. He would have missed the whole of last season


“We” ???

Footix alert


I don’t know what’s going on with him.

He sent me a text last night to say “we” are going to smash my beloved Chicago Bears on Sunday.

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I see an investigative journalist has listed “Ireland” as a centre of match fixing. Not sure if it specifies LOI or IL but either way a massive asterisk next to the recent titles won by Rovers.

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yes, members of the 400 club

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yes, members of the raven flock

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ill gut you