League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

Surely Rovers aren’t counting last years season as a title win??

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Why wouldn’t we, we were presented with it. Do Pats still claim they won the 01-02 season? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



@Ralphie sent for the hills

Walked straight into

Fireworks flingers.

Agent Long doing some job

The pass for the goal yesterday was amazing

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Wil he be heading to England?

Dermot Desmond is currently in intense negotiations with himself to bring him to Celtic


It’s a tough job but someone has to do it


Derry looking like they will be a real possibility for winning league next season
Bray keeper apparently moving there along with a few from Dundalk and it seems Georgie Kelly


All thanks to a Corkman and his money​:muscle::muscle:
By all accounts we were offered similar years ago and the dinosaurs in FORAS turned it down FFS

Maniacs. Desmond won’t flush cash down the toilet

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Just witnessed a murder @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Absolute bullshit from Robert :laughing:

You got it boy💪

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