League of Ireland 2021 - The Greatest Basket Case League In The World

Dundalk under new ownership. The yanks sold up.

footix alert

Strange stuff. Building a decent team to at least challenge there. Had everyone on side after the cup and now goes to a tin pot Dundalk. Has he a missus and kid up there?

I know that but that doesn’t mean it’ll be any way stable.

Dundalk would still be there for him in a few years given the standing he had there as a player.

They are still lunatics up there at the best of times

Managing up at El Paso is a hiding to nothing

But as an ex player can see how he was tempted

Ah that’s lovely, this is a great accompaniment

The Rod Squad was great tv


Be interesting to see how he gets on
Assume if American owners still there he would not move

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Mad auld league

its The Greatest league in the World

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It’s Bradley-ola’s league and we’re all just living in it

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Great interview, not surprised to see Bradleyola tip the cap to Ruud Dokter


Give him his due , years ago sitting behind him he got fuckin dogs abuse at turner’s x, mean seriously rattled him but he stopped to sign my kids autograph outside and had a good chat ref LOI with him- decent guy
PS SK did similar after getting well beaten by us and city fans gave it to him good and strong throughout the match

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Candy stripes to win it or close 2 nd next season

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I can see they have made some potentially good returning signings if they get Fats fit (big if) and Duffy on song along with the Patching that showed when on loan. Maher definitely has potential as well. But it is still a huge gap to close, Shane McEleney wont be a league winning centre half. If they get Kelly and a few others and the above click they will be closer though no doubt, not that worried yet but a lot can change in a week as we have only seen in the last few days

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lads Johnny and Dan are on fire in the LOI weekly podcast this week
its one of the best out there
@Rocko @twiceasnice97 @Bandage if ok ill give them a shoutout from us madmen over here

Their interview with Stephen Mcguinness 2 weeks ago was really excellent on his battle with cancer, in fact that whole cup final pod and the interviews with Tierney and Forrestor were superb,
i really really fear for Tierney in Scotland, as i said by fuck is he good enough. of course he is… im just worried for the lad loosing that support network around him … and id include keith long in that btw
i really want him to succeed , i just hope he’ll be ok


It’s a very enjoyable listen each week

Second best LoI podcast out there after TFTES?


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