Leavin' Gerrard

I would have thought the current CP manager is doing a good job ??

Will Hill 5/1

Heā€™s 11/2 to go next

Hard to see Rodgers taking a step backwards at this stage of his career. Leicester seem to be a well run club who are able to find value in the transfer market, whereas Spurs are constantly overpaying for bums


He is doing a decent job there . Unless he wants to retire .

Yeah overall he has been excellent. Iā€™d say he might just be sick of it

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I figured Gerrard would be a poor manager given his tactical failings as a player and his role in forcing out Benitez for Hodgson. Bizarrely these days, heā€™s having long phone conversations with Benitez about tactical plans.

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What role was that?

The rumours were Gerrard and Carragher wanted regime change and wanted the club to go in a more English direction. Both were close to the then MD Christian Purslow who was the main figure in ousting Rafa. Hodgson was well regarded after Fulhamā€™s UEFA Cup run and had the reputation of being an arm round the shoulder boss, as opposed to the colder Benitez, while from the boards perspective he wasnā€™t going to get involved in politics, which was vital given the chaos around the club at that time.

Rafa is a gentleman Iā€™d say

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ā€œRumours ā€œ ???

Ok baseless gossip and conjecture. :grinning:

Rafa was a difficult character for a board in turmoil to deal with and results had tailed off so his removal wasnā€™t a huge shock. Purslow is the key figure - originally brought in as a suit to sell a stake in the club but immersed himself in the footballing side to the extent he acquired the nickname Forest Gump due to his omnipresence which resulted in him hanging around dressing rooms, leaking stories to the press and signing a finished Joe Cole without managerial input

He did well enough at the start to stabilise them but heā€™s been there a long time now and thereā€™s been no progression whatsoever and they play dire football

Iā€™d be surprised if he doesnā€™t stay with Rangers for a few more years. A few league wins on the trot would put him in the frame for the Liverpool job (rightly or wrongly). Worst case scenario he finishes second to Celtic.

Taking the Spurs job would be too risky for him, a poisoned chalice and too much media exposure. Expectations are too high at Spurs and anything but a CL place (which is very competitive these days) is failure. Heā€™ll never get the Liverpool job if that happens

Spuds are a nothing club. Finances would be the persuasive factor in him going south.

On the other hand would Gerrard like to leave on a high, does he back himself against Celtic if they appoint a competent manager and match Rangerā€™s investment?

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I can confirm these rumours to be true.

Ah ffs :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I think youā€™re confusing technical with tactical there, pal. Managerā€™s lay out tactics, not players.

Gerrard was always an emotional player. Gung-ho like most lads from Britain and Ireland.

His versatility hampered him also. Played full back, wing, midfield and forward. All ifs and buts but played in the one position or at a different club without the weight of carrying a whole club he might have been a different player.

Seems to be a bit more balanced these daysā€¦few snippets I saw of him last year, or could have been the year before, he was carrying on like he was still playing, giving it the bigun. I suppose itā€™s a bit easier be calmer when your rivals are imploding. Still, they are unbeaten in the league and looks like he has them playing for him.

Gerrard the player needed a manager to rein him in. Was too keen to be Roy of the Rovers. The best example was after the slip v Chelsea where he spent all second half taking potshots trying to redeem himself. Also the infamous ā€œI stay, you goā€ partnership with Lampard.

Gerrard the man is a a slightly complex character, with some aspects of ego but also full of self doubt. Rafa drove Torres to improve by showing him clips of misses after heā€™d scored a hat trick. The same approach didnā€™t work with Gerrard who needed to be told he was great and made feel loved.

I think the older, wiser Gerrard now understands the perspective of someone like Benitez more than the version in his 20s that needed the arm round the shoulder.
