Leavin' Gerrard

His Champions League final in 2005 second half performance showed his leadership on the biggest stage of all.

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Was Gerrard that good in 06? It was Hamman and Alonso for me that turned things.

It was 05.

And yes he was.

Didn’t he play right back for the 2nd half

Was pretty poor tbh

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I think he scored a goal and was hacked down for a penalty.

He went to right back to watch Serginho alright.

But I think he had scored a brilliant header before that.

How that wasn’t a red I’ll never know.


That was a keeper mistake

He scored a header from a free then dived to win a penalty.

Let’s be clear about 2005, it was a complete fluke. Liverpool didn’t have a clear cut chance in 120 minutes.


“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but In ourselves.”

That is the same game with the Aspas corner?
He pulled back to the edge of the box and I’d say everyone thought Gerrard would have been running onto it. Instead there was no Liverpool player in sight and Chelsea were haring away up the field.
Few Liverpool supporters i was watching it with were absolutely livid. Hilarious day.

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Is a penalty not a clear cut chance?

That prick Benitez saw right through Stevie Me, realised he was too self indulgent to play centre mid so shifted him out to the wing. Alonso was a much better player than him.

Should have got jail for attacking that lad in the pub over refusing to play some Phil Collins that time, too.


Or a brilliant header that he scored from.

Who else did it multiple times?

Did what now buddy?

Scored 10 plus league goals in a season from midfield.


Calm down! Calm down!

Huh? Rafa Benitez is a lovely man

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Should be jailed for asking for a Phil Collins song.