Legalization of things

What’s the forum’s stance on the legalization of:

  • Cannabis
  • Other drugs
  • Prostitution
  • Abortion
  • Gay marriage
  • Adoption by gay couples
  • Euthanasia
  • Other topics that I can’t think of


And Yes

I am against legalising (note correct spelling) anything not currently legal.

Please add abortion and gay marriage to the list of topics for discussion please brian.

think prostitution should be legalised…would go along way to cutting out human trafficking and pimps…You’d have a lot more Pro’s dedicated to their trade …Also sadly some lads will never be capable of attracting a woman…they should be allowed get the leg over too…

would agreee here, simply because of the amount of money which could be made off it by the government. Cannabis would actaully be cheaper in a regulated market even if you taxed the be jesus out of it.

this would pull in more tax for the government, in addition to charging for licnces to sell it, and regulation of it, then theres the tourist trade it would attract. whilst it may not the most favorable demographic ie hippies, i still think the money to be made is huge.

People will use the gateway drug argument etc etc…alcohol, in my opinion, is the worst gateway drug. We seem not to view alcohol as a drug at all and rather as a way of life.

Cannabis is far healthier than both alcohol and cigarettes but is treated as a far more demonic substance…

Yes to abortion and gay marriage-don’t see why the gays should be able to get out of it. Cannabis yes if it is heavily regulated and only sold to over 21’s. Undecided on prostituition. Definitely no to other drugs.

I am a definite yes to legalizing cannabis in some form. Whilst I don’t think we’d see massive benefits in terms of tax revenues I think it would free up a significant portion of time for our law enforcement agencies.

I wouldn’t like to see the industry controlled by big business in any way and would prefer to limit the amount any one person can possess.

Is gay marriage not already legal? I only added it to the list as I was asked. Was there not some civil partnership thing?

Prostitution probably yes in some form. It’s not going to go away so some form of registration for the ladies with strict penalties for those that are in the trade and unregistered. I think this would allow the Feds to focus on the girls who are being forced into the trade.

As far as I know there is civil partnership but not gay marriage allowed Brian but I am open to correction.

What’s the difference?

In theory is sounds like legalising cannabis would be a good thing, in terms of revenue etc but why are the dutch rolling back (puntastic) on the liberalisation of it over there? Is it really less carcinogenic than tobacco? Is it not usually rolled with tobacco?

I’m not too bothered about gay marriage, but I’m unsure about gay couples being allowed to adopt children.

Rings-shiny ones and brown ones.

they arent rolling back for locals- they are sick of tourists coming over and showing no decorum in their cities when they are stoned

That’s fair enough mate. I wouldn’t be as well versed in this subject as your good self.

  • Cannabis
    Definitely - there is no reasonable argument against it. It isn’t overly harmful to health. You would raise valuable taxation. it is waste of law enforcement resources. The War On Drugs in the US has been a total failure and has had disastrous social consequences. People want it, it isn’t damaging anybody else, let them have it.

  • Other drugs

Would have to be done on a drug by drug basis but my instinct would be yes to most drugs anyway.

  • Prostitution

Undecided and would need to do more research into the possible effects of a change in policy.

  • Abortion

No to abortion on demand. Yes in cases where the mother’s life is in danger.

  • Gay marriage

  • Adoption by gay couples

  • Other topics that I can’t think of

Euthanasia - Yes

our gardai should be used to this sort of shite.

As someone who spent about 18 months taking any drug I could get my hands on, I’d be maybe in favour of legalising cannabis, but definitely not anything else. Imagine you could buy E in Spar? An insane idea. Magic mushrooms in the head shops was bad enough. Sure, most people have a good time, and I was no exception, but fuck me, I would not want that kind of hallucinogenic widely available. Life and society is weird enough as it is. Anyone who wants drugs can get them, but it’s a good thing that it’s not handy to get them, imo.

Prostitution should be legalised and regulated. Abortion and euthanasia and gay marriage should be legalised. Adoption by gay couples…not sure. If you don’t actually possess the genitalia to have kids in the first place I’m not sure you should be given a child. My knee jerk reaction would be “get over it, you benders”. Can’t have it all, unfortunately.

Lesbians have the genitalia to have kids, why shouldn’t they be allowed adopt? I think there is quite a lot of knee jerk anti gay bigotry on display in this thread.

id say yes to gay marriage- would prefer kids to have a loving environment than to be in an orphanage in Africa-Also some of the scum that are having kids are just dirt- a kid with a loving gay couple has a better chance

cam and mitch seem to be doing a good job
