Legalization of things

+1 to all that especially the bit about cam and Mitch who are consummate parental role models.

Cannabis is a tough one. Considered in vacuum then yes for all the reasons that everyone has said above. However, you would then have an influx of dudes that hear about it and want to take a drugs holiday to Ireland, a la amsterdamn. You’d have a whole support industry of other drugs springing up around it and I think you’d be inviting too much trouble. Ireland is too small to do it alone I think, if the UK did it too or a group of euro countries then yea fire ahead.

Prostitution i think is decriminalised for the prostitute already, just not for the John. That’s a good move.

We have a ridiculous situation in ireland for OVER 20 YEARS whereby under the constitution abortion is legal where there is a threat to the life of the mother but successive governments have been afraid to legislate what exactly this means and swept it user the carpet.

Other drugs no.

Euthanasia… Tricky one.

They have no sperm-producing facility though. I’m certainly not anti-gay, far from it.

Ah, I don’t know. I suppose there’s plenty of “regular” couples who really don’t deserve to be having kids. It’s a tricky one. Should really just come down to what’s best for the nipper. I’d like to see some research on kids who have been brought up by a gay couple first before I’d make a judgement. So you’re right that my reaction was knee-jerk. Wasn’t anti-gay though.

Abortion is a tough one. I am against it as a contraception back up as I think there are enough cotraception options out there for people to avail of.

When the life of the mother is in danger I would be ok with it or when there’s been a rape. But the problem is how do you define what these situations are. I have no idea.

Are we due an abortion referendum soon or something? There seems to be an increase in coverage of the issue lately.

No Thraw you are definitely not anti-gay.

I’m ok with gay couples adopting too I might add.

I think FG promised to legislate for it in the last election which needs to be done, see my post above.

Who are you to decide what is an appropriate method of contraception for a woman?

General consensus so far:

  • Cannabis YES
  • Other drugs NO
  • Prostitution YES
  • Abortion NO
  • Gay marriage YES
  • Adoption by gay couples YES

Dislike this line of argument on abortion and don’t think it stands up. It’s an issue for society to decide on, not women alone.

Thinly veiled it’s an issue for men to dictate to women on

Nothing of the sort, it’s an issue for society to decide as a whole, as I just said.

The key question on the abortion issue is: when does life begin? That’s something which you are never going to get agreement on.

Why would you be against legalising cannabis, fagan?

Filthy crap. We have enough legal drugs as it is.

Yes to euthanasia.

If I’m 90 and senile with no quality of life, I hope my kids do the decent thing and pull the plug on me.

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It might be crude but I have no issue with abortions up to, say, 2 months. Up until then it is just a collection of cells as far as I’m concerned. Less babies who have a parent(s) who don’t love them = good.

And yes to euthanasia-why not? Only people in the most unbearable circumstances would opt for it-who are we to deny them that?

I’d be in favour of sterlisation of scumbags

That solution sounds final runt but I tend to agree with it.