Legalization of things

I think that would actually be murder Runt.

You’d have to pull the plug yourself.

What you’re looking for is a DNR like Livia Soprano had.

It’s not murder, it’s euthanasia.
Is that not the whole point of it? That somebody is entitled to end your life with your consent?

Yeah but ‘filthy’ as it might be it’s no filthier than cigarettes or alcohol. Alcohol, obviously, is much worse in terms its of impact on personal health and on social behaviour.

The major problem of course is that drug prohibition is clearly a massive, expensive, and bloody failure. Much worse than that is what is fundamentally represents in practice, which is an annual multi-billion euro/dollar transfer to violent psychopaths, as only violent psychopaths can prevail in that trade. No one in their right mind could possibly think that’s a good idea.

Euthanasia is where you make the decision and you also commit the act. If you’re senile though you wouldn’t have the capacity to make such a decision. It’s assisted suicide rather than giving someone the consent to kill you.

No BT euthanasia is where you need assistance to commit suicide.

So tobacco and alcohol are very bad drugs and the way to deal with that is to legalise more drugs?

My considered view for what it’s worth, is that the junkies should be taken out of the equation and supplied with subsistence doses of clean heroin in controlled environments. If that were done, it would deal a huge blow to the drugs trade overnight, because these poor misfortunes are the foot soldiers who make the trade in the other drugs possible.

I have the impression the majority of revenue from drugs in Ireland would be from cannabis. Anyone have any stats or info on that?

No, but I think the Crumlin/Drimnagh gang are publishing their annual results next week.

The point is that making drugs illegal doesn’t work. And going by US alcohol prohibition and the current ‘war on drugs’ it’s painfully clear that not only do they not work, they have horrendous added consequences as well.

They already do something similar wioth the Methadone clinics Fagan but this doesn’t really work and just makes the areas these controlled environments are in dangerous places to be around.

Do you have any evidence to suggest that making drugs legal works. Are you seriously advocating making heroin freely available?

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 721375”]

They already do something similar wioth the Methadone clinics Fagan but this doesn’t really work and just makes the areas these controlled environments are in dangerous places to be around.
[/quote]They give them methadone, not heroin. They are not the same.

The War on Drugs is mainly a war on blacks for the benefit of for-profit private prison operating corporations.

Has anyone who’s in favour of legalising drugs ever spent any time in places where they’re legal or freely available with the law turning a blind eye? And I don’t mean a weekend in Amsterdam.

I wouldn’t have been too bothered either way but having seen the state of most of the population of nimbin on a regular day I’d be more inclined to keep it illegal but work on how its policed.

Yes, the Portuguese decriminalization program reports a ‘drastic reduction’ in the number of drug addicts -

They’ve reported decreased drug usage among adolescents, reduction in the number of drug related deaths, reduction in the numbers of HIV sufferers, and most importantly, increased numbers of those participating in treatment.

However, the key point is that the massive resources pumped into an utterly futile effort to control drug consumption through police action is instead invested in education and treatment.

There is ample evidence that addressing demand is much more effective than attacking supply. No expert seriously believes that supply-side drug policy has ever or will ever work. Treating a public health problem as a law enforcement problem has been a massive blunder.

Too true bro:

“Instead of war on poverty, they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me.”


Agree on Nimbin. Christ that was some place.

Youtube Needle Park in Zurich also. That project REALLY didn’t work out at all.

[quote=“Fagan ODowd, post: 721376”]

Do you have any evidence to suggest that making drugs legal works. Are you seriously advocating making heroin freely available?[/quote]

According to evidence government funding for education pales into insignificance when it comes to the money spent on repairing lairy drunk people at the weekends in casualty wards all over the land.

Apparently that’s true alright. The societal cost of alcohol is horrific.

2Pac thought that drug dealers should be made to pump money back into the community instead of just getting rich off it.

Don’t go anywhere near Dunmanway so Mac if you didn’t like nimbin.