Legalization of things

Gola cleaning house here.

I thik most women who are up to two months pregnant by choice are already planning the nursery and picking the baby names to be honest. Regardless of the biology of the matter

My thinking was it could be up to 4 weeks before a lass finds out she’s pregnant. If she doesn’t want it for whatever reason, then she has a few weeks to think about keeping it or not before making the decision and then the arrangements hence the 2 months. I would agree that a woman who wanted it would be well thrilled by 2 months.

Macparty just says no.

Like others I don’t really have an issue with legalising cannabis but as someone clever said on the first couple of pages we couldn’t cope with an influx of cannabis tourists and the associated problems. Also I imagine tobacco will ultimately be banned so it doesn’t make much sense to legalise cannabis, at least to be smoked.

I’m not in favour of abortion - quite old school on that one - other than where there’s a real danger to the life of the mother. It’s really selfish but I think outsourcing the problem to the UK keeps the rate low and eliminates any chance of “casual abortions” or “abortions as contraception.”

I’m not having a go at you Rocko but you are speaking from a point of ignorance. I would have had the same mindset as you and other posters about abortion prior to the birth of my son.

He has a very rare metobolic storage disorder called ‘i cell disease’. I would ask posters to google the condition to appreciate what a horrific disease it truly is.

It is a autosomal recessive disorder which means that if his mum and I were to conceive another child, there is a 25% chance that the baby will have i cell. The only way to test whether the baby has this condition is through an amniocentesis after conception.

I would be pretty spiritual but I have often wonder why an innocent child was born to endure such a painful life. We have had it pretty tough as a family so far but our darkest days are ahead of us. Everyday my heart breaks a little more as I realise my beautiful baby boy is closer to leaving us.

It would be tough for us to go through this again and there are many families like us that are faced with difficult choices. The option of abortion should be available to families like us.

I would ask posters to please keep on thread and not refer to my personal circumstances.

A lot more people might be on the fence over abortion if the ‘pro-life’ crowd weren’t such a nauseating bunch of cunts.

In any case I don’t think the state should have the authority to order a woman to carry a child to term. That should be for the woman to choose.

Sex education and government subsidised provision of contraceptives can go a long way towards eradicating this as an issue anyway. Something the ‘pro-life’ mob are against.

Yes to all

Yeah, generally in favour of legalising cannabis, but would be problematic if we did it and UK didn’t.
Harder drugs - I’ve always been generally supportive of WTB’s logic. You’d wanna be fucking sure you get the controls and support mechanisms right though. Not sure I’d back us to do that to be honest.
Gay marriage - certainly.
Gay adoption - yeah. Would you allow a birth mother putting a kid up for adoption to say no to a gay couple then if they felt strongly about it? Not sure about that one.
Euthanasia - yeah.
Abortion - I think it should be legal up to the point where the baby would have a reasonable chance of survival outside the womb. I know the debate in the UK is moving towards bringing the date from 24 to 20 weeks (I think) for that reason. I just don’t think it is a life until it can survive independently, but accept that other people have other points of view on that. I have to say though, I really hate Rocko’s argument. I’m sure the vast majority of women that have an abortion don’t take the decision lightly. Forcing them to go to a foreign country and leave most of their support network behind to go through such a traumatic experience is sickening in my view.

Christ, how do you even reply to that?

The circumstances about a danger to the life of the mother should be extended to the child IMO. If there is a medical reason to terminate a pregnancy then I don’t have a problem with that. And plenty of times (as in the X case here) the reason might be relating to mental health, not just purely physical. But yeah I agree with you there though I doubt anyone could disagree. I have an issue with abortion as a means of contraception, not as medical intervention.

I think it was glasagusban was referring to it earlier, the failure to legislate for the X Case for two decades is one of the biggest indictments of our politicians that there is. Dermot Ahern bringing in legislation for blasphemy because it was apparently needed to comply with the fact that there is a prohibition against blasphemy in the Constitution when nobody in their right minds gives a flying fuck about it. Failed to bring the same logic to the X Case for some reason though.

As I said it’s an extremely selfish and ultimately indefensible viewpoint. I wouldn’t be advocating it if I was a politician. I just think the balance at the moment isn’t far off being right in terms of numbers of abortions carried out. Obviously it would be infinitely better if they were carried out in the State (can that happen even for medical reasons?) but once you open the door I think the numbers will vastly increase.

It’s a bit like the drugs debate really. Unless it’s accompanied by decent education and controls around the legislation then it might cause a new social problem.

Dermot is a right-wing-uber-Catholic cunt alright.

This was published in the Irish Times in March. Short accounts from dozens of Irish women who have had abortions, some of them with stories a bit like fenway’s. I read it at the time, and while it is certainly not an enjoyable read, I think it is required if you want to make any kind of even semi-informed contribution to the debate.

Others did more damage to the country I’d suppose, but I always thought he was the worst cunt of those FF ministers. I fucking despised him.

Prostitution - yes
Gay marriage - yes
Gay adoption - yes
Drugs - probably no.
Abortion - no.
Euthanasia - no. Lefties would probably make it compulsory.

I will if you pull up every post mortem from every suicide in the past few years and see what lads had in their system prior to killing themselves. That’s only 1 angle too.

Social problem?

Introduce abortion and watch crime rates fall

do what they are going to do in Holland and only allow locals smole it

thats very true and often glossed over…2 mates of mine smoked an awful lot of mari and both had serious meltdowns and they´ll both openly admit it was from smoking it…