Legalization of things

good to see Gola hammering Mac in the battle of the dullards

Must’ve missed this. Last I saw he was posting about music videos here. You’re a bit on edge these days mate. I take it your Nimbin supply has run out then?

You won’t prove anything by that alone, it just gives you a chicken or the egg type question to answer next.

I don’t know the full answers to that but I will point you to this study I found which shows that alcohol is at least a significant contributor to suicide.

The study found that among those who had committed suicide, 55% had alcohol in their blood. The average blood alcohol concentration was 157mg/100mls. Those under the age of 30 were ‘significantly more likely’ to have any alcohol in their blood and to be above the 80mg/100mls limit, compared to those over the age of 30.

So, should alcohol be banned?

I don’t know the full answers to that but I will point you to this study I found which shows that alcohol is at least a significant contributor to suicide.

The study found that among those who had committed suicide, 55% had alcohol in their blood. The average blood alcohol concentration was 157mg/100mls. Those under the age of 30 were ‘significantly more likely’ to have any alcohol in their blood and to be above the 80mg/100mls limit, compared to those over the age of 30.

So, should alcohol be banned?

Nice to see I’m the dullard’s dullard. The recognition of your peers always means a lot.

Yes Sid, lets ban alcohol cos 17 people out of a sample of 31 who committed suicide in 2001 and 2002 had it in their systems. Great research :rolleyes:

Didn’t you bring up the question of intoxicants in suicides?

I did, well observed. I’m dismissing Sids article as the sample size is 129 people in 2 counties from 2001 and 2002. He just pasted the bit that was relevant to the smart remark he was trying to make ignoring the rest of it.

I see.

I still don’t think intoxicants in suicides generally proves anything either direction.

The only person making smart remarks is you and it’s because your argument has been torn apart.

Can you give me details of any study which details the number of deaths due to marijuana abuse?

Good jesus. All your missing off the end of that is a “Fact” or “End of”.

The banning of tobacco would be a contender for stupidest law introduced in the history of mankind.

I can’t, and if you read back through my post you’ll find I never said that marijuana abuse leads to suicide. You’re making that connection yourself. I merely asked you to look at the post mortems for any suicides and you’ll normally find that they contain various substances, some legal (alcohol) and some illegal (marijuana and other drugs). I’ve not suggested anywhere that either of the above cause suicide but if someone is contemplating it something that messes with their mind that much is all they need to push them over the edge.

Can you provide me details of any studywhich details deaths which are attributable to marijuana use?

Any study at all?

Make sure you visit New Zealand before 2025 then Sid

  • Cannabis - A few years ago, I would have had no hesitation in saying yes, but much of the weed you see nowadays is synthetic or hydroponically grown and there is plenty of evidence that its addictive and causes serious mental issues. I think we’re facing a major problem down the line with it, so no.
  • Other drugs - No, I still haven’t heard a convincing argument to legalise drugs. Time we thought about banning tobacco as well (yes Sid, I’m serious).
  • Prostitution - Good god, yes. No brainer that one.
  • Abortion - In specific circumstances, not on demand.
  • Gay marriage - Of fucking course. Civil partnerships etc are a crock. Why should I be able to marry my beautiful wife in a non religious ceremony and a mate of mine in a committed relationship with his boyfriend of 20 years can’t?
  • Adoption by gay couples - Of fucking course. I know a few gay and lesbian couples who have kids and fantastic parents they are. I also know a number of heterosexual couples with kids who are appalling parents. How many people do we know from broken hetero homes?
  • Euthanasia - Yes. Watching someone you know and love dying a long, slow, horrible, painful death is bad enough, but imagine being that person. In a lot of cases, no dignity, constant pain, just slowly dying every day and wondering why no one wants to help stop it.
  • Other topics that I can’t think of - I’d ban all of these.

A lot of these issues are being driven by religions. I don’t see why I, as an atheist who has no truck with fairytales, should have my choices and rights curtailed because someone believes in what they think a god might want.

how come you pal around with so many fudgepackers?

I’m more worried about why he hasn’t shopped these hetrosexual people he knows who are abusing their kids.

Nail on head-our country’s laws should reflect the will of the people-what this is needs to be determined but it should not be determined by the most organised paedophile ring in history. I think most right minded people would agree that paedophiles should not hold the moral authority in any society.