Leinster Senior Hurling Championship 2023

Minor and 20s last year both knocked out by 1 point losses, would always factor underage into that mentality of eeking out wins

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They were pure exceptions though. We paid for the 2004 win for the next 10 odd years with regular hammerings being dished out

As you said, good to see 20s win this year. And some of those were 2019 minors weren’t they? Far more even than it’s ever been in my lifetime anyway. One good thing Davy gave us

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He’s about to vomit with the scutter on show.

Gypsies, tramps and (last puck) thieves :laughing:

I’d mentioned here earlier in the week that Whelan needed to be moved further out from goal, was pleased to see him play well today as he is far too good a talent to be wasted in the way they had been using him. I’d also mentioned that the Mannion brothers are of dubious character recently, I didn’t see much today to change my mind on that.
My follow up observation is that every day Conor Cooney starts for Galway is a wasted day - he was a fine hurler in his day but he contributes nothing at all now. Even if they tried one of their younger lads and he got cleaned you could say he is getting experience and will improve from it, I don’t see what Shefflin thinks he is getting by having CC suffering on the field.


Buckley could have thrown over the handy point to draw it - ballsy decision to go for the throat

It was a two point game, no?


Go home @Piles_Hussain youre drunk


Congratulations to our great friends across the Blackstairs.


The Joe McDonagh Cup Final was a few weeks ago but your belated congratulations to Carlow are noted.


Fair dues - It’s been a long weekend - after winning the third round of the European hurling championship (9 a side) yestrerday in Dresden, we were on the road at 8 am this morning to get back to the Pyg in time for both games. Be the time the main event cam on I had a clatter of large bottles in me - I danced and sung me way through Luxembourg on the way home.



Thank you, CD. A TFK errors & clarifications thread is long overdue.

Already there and already there :laughing:

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Mossy gets goals so he does

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Jaysus the few seconds in the corner before the goal was magnificently panicky battling

Donnelly and TJ were ICONIC!!

Buckley was buzzing after that


Anyone know when the QF against the Tipp cunts will be?

Saturday week I think