Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

An acquaintance of mine has about 25 acres of sitka spruce ready to fell in the Cloone area.
He’s facing problems on 2 fronts.
He needs to get a license from Coillte and they’re backed up to their oxters with applications.
On top of that, those faceless gowls in Leitrim Co.Council require a cash bond of €30k toward road repairs projected in the aftermath of the felling and removal process.
He has the cash but to say he’s fucking seething is putting it mildly.

Save Leitrim, stop afforestation. Fuck Coillte.

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Would this be classed as an “unforeseen expense”?

Fuck Coillte x 1000000000000 and the private forestry too,they’ve the fuckin county ruined with their Sika


Dead, silent forests.
How no one in Coillte foresaw that is staggering, but sure as usual no one will be held to account.

€€€€€€ cunts in Dublin investing in forestry in the West of Ireland to make money off the our backs.Outbidding local farmers for land.Cunts every single one of them.

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I was talking to a guy actually from Aughavas but Dublin based doing this very thing.

A cunt of the highest order.

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His father or some elderly neighbour probably left him a bit of land no doubt.An absolute cunt of a man

You should have heard the shite that he was blowing out of himself.

It wouldn’t have been on the agenda at the time the land was planted so technically you’d be correct.
In related news, apart from Coillte, the single biggest land owner in the country, in terms of acreage, all planted, is allegedly the well known Leitrim legal eagle KP.

Trying to justify it himself no doubt.

Followers of Irish history will be aware that Leitrim’s James {Jimmy} Gralton remains the only Irishman thus far to be deported from his native county. His causes were encapsulated in a nice little film called strangely “Jimmy’s Hall” the story of a dancehall he built but it/he incurred the wrath of the Church.

Jimmy gave the PP of Gowel both barrells with this letter…

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Are there many differences between the Gowels of Leitrim and the Gowls of Limerick?

Jimmy was some buck.

Gabhal Luimni

The late Boxty Mór was acquainted with him and always spoke highly of him.
I’ll not doubt his judgement from this remove.

That said, the oul’ fella had a raft of interesting pals, all with the makings of a movie or a book attached to them. The Ballinamore Republican and himself were lifelong friends.

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Gowel is the name of an area outside of Carrick-on-Shannon.

@anon67715551, is it part of Carrick parish or is it a parish itself?

It’s in what’s called Kiltoghert parish, there’s a church there. A half-parish if you like.
There are 17 parishes in total from Rossinver to Cloone.
Some cracking clubs that aren’t parishes ie: Aughawillian (Drumreilly parish).
Yourselves of course are orphans… :wink:

I know it well. I have relations in Kilnagross. I wasn’t sure its actual status though.

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You make it to any of these @anon67715551 ?

I can’t confirm any of the particular occasions but there isn’t a venue there that I haven’t graced. Of the 20 or so dance venues the Granada in Granard was the most likely to see you in intensive care. If you weren’t half killed in a row the possibility of being hit by a flying chair hurled in the heat of battle from the upstairs balconies loomed large.
Stick to the centre of the floor when trouble erupted. Heady, carefree days.

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