Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce


Jaysus thats the job.

Ok it’s nice but I’m calling fake on this one. The video was obviously shot earlier in the year. Fog on the water and no leaves in the trees. Then dubbed with a dawn chorus previously recorded.

Spring very late this year in chilly north Leitrim.

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Dawn chorus doesn’t peak until mid May.

You pick the strangest battles :grinning:

…and that wasn’t a peak chorus

I suppose I just don’t like fake news or people trying to cod me.

They probably got the video and said “isn’t that a lovely video, but what will we do with it?”

Then some bright spark producer says "sure can’t we use it for the dawn chorus? Peole are sick of looking at that same robin above in the Áras. “Not a bad idea” says Mooney.

…and so it continues.

Looks like a few lads going down the Amazon

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Retract that or some lad will be telling you the clouds are the wrong shape for the Amazon

It’s more like Deliverance actually. Plenty quare-hawks lurking in the shadows there as well.
@Massey on the banjo to lend authenticity.

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The boats are the wrong shape anyway…

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Ye could have stuck an ould fake robin in a tree. Maybe a cuckoo or something.

You’re asking Leitrim folk to engage in nefarious activities for some form of personal gain or aggrandisement…what next?

Why it’s akin to falsifying application forms for the SFP or withholding information relative to motoring offences or breaching the licensing laws by staying in public houses until 3 in the morning.

You seem to think we’re a lawless bunch of rustics altogether.

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He’s thinking of Cavan folk I’d say

I don’t even know what the SFP is.
Is it something border inhabitants can claim from the north?

Single Farm Payment. Supplementary cash aid for economically distressed rustics provided by Brussels
Endless rafts of forms and data required to board and remain on the Gravy Express but the trip, once you board is comfortable enough.


@anon67715551 which one of ye is the Manorhamilton native ?

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Manor in the rain - what’s new…Poet in residence @Massey will be along to extol the virtues of O’Mahoney’s licensed premises but I wouldn’t be awaiting 5 *****.
A lad composing verse about Manor- whatever next??


Where’s that from @TreatyStones ?