Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

I was always a Market Bar man myself but O Mahoneys is the spot now for the country folk who venture in of a Saturday night

A book called “The Blackthorn Anthology” written by a guy called Jim Scallan. Going by the foreword he only lived there for a couple of years.

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I was thinking he wasn’t a local cause that’s a load a dung


He wrote lovingly of Askeaton as well, so I’d say he’s coming from a low bar.

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I was once in Connollys. The owner ignored my wife everytime she tried to order as she’d an English accent! I’d repeat the order straight away and he’d serve it up.

What a gobshite.

I was in Mayo where the missus’s people are from and a young bitch of a barmaid of about 21 ignored me because I wasn’t a local. We had to get the missus’s cousin to order.

To be fair the the Connolly’s are some of the best people you’d ever come across,I have to say I’m shocked at that statement @Declan_Moffat.They’d be wild auld fashioned, maybe they thought it was the husbands job to order the round.Back when there used to be Fair Days Connollys and O Dells @anon67715551 used to be rammed,I remember being in there with auld lads haggling over the price of wether lambs then spitting on their hands and doin a deal followed buy them buying a drink.As a youngster fella it was an eye opener which server me well around the world tbf

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That’s unbelievable but I’m really shocked at the above post about Connolly’s. They’re some of the most decent people you’d ever meet.Ever.They’d give you the shirt off they’re back.

It definitely happened @Massey. We were only there for a few. Myself, herself and a local who were friends with. He did some laughing at it. Actually we all did. We couldn’t get over how blatant the ignoring was. It wouldn’t stop us going back as the Guinness was lovely and she’s not easily offended.

I have to say I’m genuinely shocked at that 100%.The Connollys would be one of the soundest family’s you’d ever meet.Who was behind the bar?.If I’m not being too nosey what local were you with.My jaw is actually on the floor here

Would you be a fan of Connollys much? You’d swear one of them was before Mr.Justice Kilrane and you had morphed into Mick Galway/Mickey Harte.

We have you after the 3rd eulogy - they’re sound. :+1:

Not particularly ,i think they’re blueshirts but decent folks. BIG Joe as he’s known is always good for a tune

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Charlie McGettigan is secure for another while.


I see that The Eagle in Dundrum is for sale owned by Mohill man Padraig McWeeney.

Padraig is a gentleman. A right decent bloke.


‘I bet he didn’t see that one coming’


A lot of people very keen to defend the Connollys here. I’ve only been there a couple of times so I probably can’t comment from personal experience but based on what @Declan_Moffat recounts they are racist fuckers pure abs simple. I will never darken their door again abs would urge the same of all forumites

KP not having any of this oul’ guff. He had a right to jail him for 10 yrs.