Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

CoS 6 Kiltubrid 5 Fenagh 4. Sean Leyden was killed only a few years later in a sawmill accident. I’d say he was still a minor in 74. The best peiladóir ever from the parish including the present crop.


Your a fuckin treasure @anon67715551 for you’re knowledge of Leitrim Gaa,we’ll have to meet for a pint after the Connacht final next year, @farmerinthecity and @thedancingbaby and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy are invited too obviously.


Great stuff to hear. Sorry to hear re poor Leyden - one of my first jobs upon leaving school was in McMahon’s Sawmill in Artane…a few lads missing hands or fingers but no fatalities…God rest him!

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Settle? Or something similar afaik

Your thinking of a settle bed.Which that isn’t.

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Yeah you’re right, little bed above the fire

That’s a Sacred Heart lamp you’re thinking about……

This thread is too nuanced for you, describe the many uses of a graipe there….
Bí cúramach, it’s tricky enough…


Take your word for it

Drinks cabinet.

Poitin holder

Manor not giving in without a fight. Great to see @Massey ’s hero “Fat Felim” Gurn leading the Pushback against loss of banking services in Manorhamilton - Leitrim Observer

Great to see that Cash is King - and taxation still a pauper - up thataways.

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@anon67715551 know these lads?

Them’s the young Gilheaney brothers. Jack is an established peiladóir with the club and his younger brother JT (Tom) will be established next year. The other lad will possibly nail down a spot in a year or two.
Their beef is top notch, speedy delivery of “beef boxes” and an all round successful venture. Treat yourself……
They’re marketing it strong and have rakes of lads beefing them up….

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Fair play to them.

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I wasn’t in Tommy Creegan’s in Cloone in 2 years until this evening and am rightly frightened by the experience. There were about 10 diehards there, all of whom would be known to me, but fuck me, this pandemic has shortened their life expectancy dramatically.
I had a long look at myself when I got home and decided that I’d probably put on a stone but the cut of some lads was woeful. Beards, grey ones at that aren’t for all, lads in their 70’s after shovelling on 3 stone, dishevelled appearance all round and an air of resignation permeating the place.
The Boss was his ebullient self, never mentioned the fact that he warned his sister about me nearly 60 years ago, welcomed me warmly and sponsored a brace of Jemmys as a goodwill gesture.
This pandemic has and will have far-reaching repercussions.


Some tragedy in that family.

Un-mentionable. Tommy plugs along with a cheery outlook but it isn’t easy.
I wore the Cloone jersey wan year back in the day (they were stuck for a deadball expert) and have always been held in good stead with them.
There were surely 4 pubs in it then and mouths for every one of them.

Our Edwina is on the box again.

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