Lending Money to a Friend

Anyone ever lend money to a friend and have things turn a bit sour?

I haven’t but I know someone in this situation.

A good friend of the would be lender (“WBL”) was constantly telling him he was broke. He was aware that the WBL had recently inherited a significant sum of money but the WBL didn’t initially think he was angling for a loan.

Eventually the repeated talk about financial struggles prompted the WBL to make the fatal error of telling the pal they could borrow some money if they were really stuck. He framed in such a way that he made it clear it was only if the pal was pretty desperate and really needed it. This was late last year.

A few days later the pal said work had given him the all clear to take a month off at short notice to visit family in Australia but he couldn’t afford it. It was really disappointing as he hadn’t seen his siblings in a few years so he was wondering if the WBL would give him €3k for flights and spending money! The WBL didn’t expect to be funding an extended holiday but felt awkward (put himself in the position by offering, albeit the pal took complete advantage).

Anyway the WBL (henceforth “the L”) provided the loan and a great time was had in Australia. Nothing was said about the money for a while upon the pal’s return until the L belatedly brought it up. The pal suggested a €50 per month standing order which has been in place for the last 4 or 5 months (again the L should have been more firm at this point). The pal has since taken out a large Credit Union loan and bought a 2014 registered car and the L is quietly seething.

I think the pal has been a liberty taking cunt but the L has been way too soft. €50 per month to get the €3k back in 6 years. :laughing:


Are these friends of yours? They both sound like idiots and the borrower a complete fucking scab. I do have a friend that borrowed from another friend and hasn’t paid back. They are no longer friends.

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Farmer should know better -


They are friends of a friend of mine rather than my friends. I’m A, my friend is B and they are C and D. B is friends with all of us. I’m only friends with B who told me the story. C is friends with B and D, while D is friends with B and C. Here’s a (sideways?) Venn Diagram to aid your understanding:


That DB is an awful snake


FFS. I’d be having none of that.

They say if you lend someone €20 and you never see them again then it’s money well spent. But €3k is a lot to be getting rid of a cunt.

Agree with this. 2 fucking idiots.



Fools and their money.


Rocko bought a new car recently :eek:

@Sidney was in Australia recently :popcorn:

I know some lads back home who would gladly take on the debt if your pal was interested


Two fucking idiots seems to be the consensus so far.

I’d go for the L/WBL being more of an idiot than a fucking idiot. Definitely naive and a soft touch though. He knew about the pal planning the loan and car purchase too and that was another occasion when he should have piped up to say he wanted his money back quicker and/or a significant part repayment.

The pal is definitely a scabby cunt though. Using his friend to improve his own situation to the detriment of the L/WBL’s is sly and low.

Fuckers with brass necks get away with shit because they have no regard for socially acceptable behaviour. Your lender needs to fight him on his own terms and ask him for a lend of the car. Once he has it don’t return it until debt paid.



I insist that the L/WBL is a fucking idiot. He is “quietly seething” while this other arsehole is laughing at him.

Here, give us a loan of 3k there I want to head to Oz on the piss for a month.

Erm, ok.

Ya, I’ll pay you back 50 quid a month.

Erm, ok.

Ya, what do you think of my new motor anyway? Took out a big fuck off loan to pay for it but we’re here for a good time not a long time, know what I mean, sham. I might get my dick wet driving this jammer.

Erm, yes it’s lovely.

Fucking idiot.

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Have to agree with the fuckinh idiot assessment. He lent a guy trouser money for his holidays for fuck sake.

T&C’s of the loan should have been ironed out in advance.

Your man lending sounds like a good friend if a soft touch.
Your man borrowing is an utter cunt.

Lender needs to realise borrower is no mate of his.

Only one idiot in this story.

Lad borrowed 20 quid off me over 30 years ago. I asked him about once and I got the old flim flam. I have never spoken to him since. He is dead to me.